22 January 2022MUSICMALCOLM MCLAREN & SITUATIONIST INTERNATIONALISMRemembering the punk rock godfather, my true idol: Malcolm McLaren. It's his birthday today.
20 October 2021FASHIONKEN RUSSELL: TEDDY BOYS & GIRLSThere was a time when Teddy Boys and Girls were the dominant style subculture in London and the UK.
16 September 2020EDUCATION, MUSICDAKOCAN SHOW & MAZHAB MALCOM MCLARENBeberapa pekan silam saya diundang ke acara berseri lewat kanal YouTube, Dakocan Show, yang diasuh oleh Yu Megasari dan didukung penuh oleh Kopi Banyuatis. Ngobrol soal band/branding/business pula personal.
7 May 2020MUSICCHAOS TO COUTURE: SAFETY PIN, PADLOCK, PUNK ROCKA subversive little rockopedia of safety pins, padlock, and Paris Fashion Week.