Frekuensi Perangkap Tikus: Mahakarya Musik dan Aktivisme

Presiden Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq baru saja ditangkap oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) karena diduga menerima suap dari importir daging sapi.

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Presiden Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq baru saja ditangkap oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) karena diduga menerima suap dari importir daging sapi. Sebelumnya Bendahara Umum Partai Demokrat Muhammad Nazaruddin, lewat proses berbelit lagi dramatis, telah diberangus KPK. Anas Urbaningrum sendiri yang notabene merupakan pucuk pimpinan tertinggi Partai Demokrat, saat artikel ini ditulis, ramai diramalkan bakal segera ditetapkan sebagai tersangka maling uang juga. Gebrakan beringas dari komisi anti rasuah yang gagah berani dan nyaris tiada peduli bibit-bobot-bebet ini—siapa lancung langsung ditelikung—pelan namun pasti menumbuhkan optimisme haru biru tentang Nusantara bebas korupsi, tentang Indonesia baru.

Sehubungan dengan tindakan meminimalkan korupsi tadi, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), lembaga non-pemerintah yang pula tenar sebagai agen perubahan yang khusus menyoroti para begal perampok duit rakyat, beberapa pekan silam berinisiatif merilis album rekaman Frekuensi Perangkap Tikus. Karya yang diterbitkan tepat pada hari anti korupsi sedunia, 9 Desember, tersebut menampilkan 10 tembang apik berbagai genre hasil besutan para seniman musik indie lokal kelas wahid. Sebut saja Navicula dengan “Mafia Hukum” yang bersenandung dengan sinis soal persekutuan jahat antara pengusaha dan penguasa, Morfem via “Kami Bosan Jadi Negara Dunia Ketiga” yang menyanyikan kegerahan hidup serba kekurangan akibat masalah klasik yang membelit: korupsi, Harlan Boer yang mengernyitkan dahi lewat “Suap Suap” saking parahnya tradisi suap menyuap di keseharian masyarakat, atau Iksan Skuter lewat “Partai Anjing” menggonggong lembaga beserta para anggota serikat pencoleng yang kental mewarnai peta politik negara kita. Belum lagi persembahan dari Eyefeelsix feat. Morgue Vanguard (alter ego dari Ucok Homicide), Sajama Cut, Adrian “Efek Rumah Kaca”, Risky Summerbee, Zeke Khaseli, serta Simponi. Serunya lagi, seluruh komposisi ini bisa diunduh bebas bea di dengan syarat sederhana: mengklik pilihan “berani jujur”.

Mari bersama merayakan optimisme Indonesia bebas korupsi dengan turut mengunduh Frekuensi Perangkap Tikus. Ajak serta pula keluarga, orang dekat, sejawat, kolega kerja, mereka yang masih percaya bahwa Nusantara masih memiliki harapan menjadi negara gemah ripah bebas rasuah. Berani jujur?

Navicula - Manning Bar - by RODEmic
Sajama Cut - Marcel & Randy
Sajama Cut

Song list:
01. Adrian – Di Sekolah-sekolah
02. Morfem – Kami Bosan Jadi Negara Dunia Ketiga
03. Harlan – Suap-suap
04. Iksan – Partai Anjing
05. Risky Summerbee and the Honeythief – Subterfuge
06. Eyefeelsix feat. Morgue Vanguard – Mimpi Basah Pembangkang Sipil
07. Navicula – Mafia Hukum
08. Simponi – Vonis
09. Zeke Khaseli – Julius Alpha
10. Sajama Cut – Kings and Barbarians

English version

Frekuensi Perangkap Tikus (Mousetrap Frequency) is not exactly a new album but this compilation, released on December 9th, 2012, is one of those masterpieces that needs to be acknowledged, respected, celebrated and shouldn’t ever, under any circumstances, be relegated to the list of albums currently being consumed by the bowels of your iTunes never-playlist. Each song is equal in infectious excellence, each featured artists is as intellectually badass as the next, and the theme behind the compilation is, and has always been, an uber sexy topic, the ultimate headline in Indonesia: fighting corruption.

First initiated by one of the very few die-hard, uncompromising, anti-graft groups, Indonesia Corruption Watch, the entire record—this is the best part—is available as a free download at The reason? To get you actively supporting the cause. So to get yourself this epic album, you’re going to have to get yourself on the activism bandwagon and commit to at least one good cause before collecting the free songs (click the “agree” button to support the anti-corruption movement, and so forth). In fact, while you’re at it go be a good little human and tell your daddy, your mumma, your little sisters and brothers to get clicking too.

Go ahead, put your hand where your mouse is and take a step toward creating a corruption-free Indonesia, complete with good-corporate-governance by downloading “Mafia Hukum” (Navicula), “Kings and Barbarians” (Sajama Cut), “Kami Bosan Jadi Negara Dunia Ketiga” (Morfem), “Mimpi Basah Pembangkang Sipil” (Eyefeel Six feat. Morgue Vanguard) and all those other playlist-worthy Frekuensi Perangkap Tikus tracks today. We dare you.

• This article was firstly published—a slightly different version—on The Beat (Jakarta) #82, Feb 18 – Mar 04, 2013
• Co-editor: Lauren Shipman
• Photos: Navicula – borrowed from RØDE Microphones, Sajama Cut – borrowed from, Morfem – taken from their official blog

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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