Oppie Andaresta: Fun, Footlose, and Fancy Free

Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniAfter releasing an album with the theme of women's emancipation in 2010, Oppie Andaresta is back again with Dengan Hati Senang. Released in April 2011, this newest composition is quite easy listening and more radio-friendly compared to the last offering. As Oppie puts it, "Wider segment: commercial-oriented, more footlose-and-fancy-free." The album, with "Mau Have Fun" as the first single, consist of nine songs which talks mostly about daily life and social issues. In "Matahariku", for instance, she sings about her beloved husband (without him even realizing it), while "Jangan Bedakan (Ayah Bunda)" points at the distorted relationship between parents and their children. Despite the photos that expressing her more "modern" look, the ambassador of Peduli Perempuan (women's rights), has asserted that she's still the same Oppie inside. The urban cosmopolitan look is only a fun experiment initiated by her photographer. She's not into manufactured images, she's still into simple and natural images, just as she's always been. Currently, Oppie is busy promoting Dengan Hati Senang to the radios around big cities in Indonesia with a tour following in July.

English version please scroll down

Segmen lebih lebar, lebih komersil, lebih bebas. Di 18 tahun karir bermusik, lebih gampang buat gue bikin lagu. Banyak ide dan keinginan

Demikian ungkap Oppie Andaresta ketika ditanyai soal apa yang berbeda di album paling mutakhirnya, Dengan Hati Senang, dibanding rangkaian karya sebelumnya. Pasca menerbitkan album keroyokan Tentang Perempuan di 2010 yang notabene idealis, segmented, cenderung feminis, di albumnya yang ke-7, wanita kelahiran 20 Januari 1973 ini secara musikal tersimak relatif ringan, easy listening tanpa harus menjeblokkan mutu. Seperti diakuinya, ia memang hendak merangkul publik yang lebih luas, membuka kompromi dengan pasar.

Dirilis pada April 2011, album bertaburkan 9 tembang ini, menurut Oppie, tak butuh proses berbelit, pengerjaannya cukup cepat. Bisa jadi karena ia terhitung veteran di urusan bermusik. Dan “Mau Have Fun” sengaja dipilih sebagai single pertama karena, selain warna musiknya yang baru buat Oppie, nuansanya yang ceria pula dianggap paling pas untuk pemanasan. Sementara mengenai lagu nomor 4, “Jangan Bedakan (Ayah Bunda)”, katanya ia terinspirasi saat mendengarkan siaran radio Hard Rock FM. Ketika itu temanya membahas tentang hubungan keruh bilateral akibat orang tua yang memaksakan kehendak ke sang anak. Di lagunya yang lain, “Matahariku”, Oppie khusus persembahkan bagi suami terkasihnya (tanpa sang lelaki menyadarinya).

Mengenai foto-foto terkininya yang tampak lebih modern, duta Peduli Perempuan ini bilang itu cuma manuver bersenang-senang, nihil niat merekayasa imej. “Imej tidak perlu dibikin, keluar dengan natural. Saya senang dengan imej wajar dan sederhana. Foto-foto cuma kebetulan saja, eksperimen teman fotografer yang ingin saya tampil beda. Ternyata asyik juga.”

Untuk makin mengenalkan albumnya ke publik, Oppie sedang giat berpromosi ke radio-radio di banyak metropolitan di Nusantara serta didukung dengan rencana tur di bulan Juli.

Mau have fun? Lakukan dengan hati senang!

English version

After releasing an album with the theme of women’s emancipation in 2010, Oppie Andaresta is back again with Dengan Hati Senang. Released in April 2011, this newest composition is quite easy listening and more radio-friendly compared to the last offering. As Oppie puts it, “Wider segment: commercial-oriented, more footlose-and-fancy-free.”

The album, with “Mau Have Fun” as the first single, consist of nine songs which talks mostly about daily life and social issues. In “Matahariku”, for instance, she sings about her beloved husband (without him even realizing it), while “Jangan Bedakan (Ayah Bunda)” points at the distorted relationship between parents and their children.

Despite the photos that expressing her more “modern” look, the ambassador of Peduli Perempuan (women’s rights), has asserted that she’s still the same Oppie inside. The urban cosmopolitan look is only a fun experiment initiated by her photographer. She’s not into manufactured images, she’s still into simple and natural images, just as she’s always been.

Currently, Oppie is busy promoting Dengan Hati Senang to the radios around big cities in Indonesia with a tour following in July.


*This article was firstly published on The Beat (Jakarta) #41, June 2011
*Photos courtesy of Keke Suryadarma

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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