Ray D’Sky: Dreaming Dreams

Setelah relatif sukses menggedor blantika musik Indonesia lewat Released by Reality pada 2009, tiga tahun berselang, Ray D'Sky kembali datang.

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Setelah relatif sukses menggedor blantika musik Indonesia lewat Released by Reality pada 2009, tiga tahun berselang, Ray D’Sky kembali datang. Beberapa pekan silam band yang ditulangpunggungi oleh Aray Dulay—berkolaborasi dengan karib berkeseniannya, Didit Saad—menerbitkan album keduanya: Dreaming Dreams.

Masih berkelana di sekitar wilayah reggae yang renyah lagi gembira serta tetap di bawah label rekaman demajors, grup musik asal Jakarta ini menyodorkan “Terjebak di Pulau yang Indah” (featuring Ras Muhamad) sebagai single pertamanya. Terdiri dari 12 lagu, di album paling gres ini, menurut Aray, selain mengurangi fokus pada elemen akustik dan lebih menggenjot groove, pula menggambarkan perspektif yang segar dan positif dari episode terkini hidupnya. Aray, yang juga bertindak sebagai produser, mengajak serta nama-nama jaminan mutu sebagai bumbu penyedap di antaranya Ras Muhamad, Indra Q, Syaharani, dan Njet Barmansyah.

Dikerjakan di berbagai pulau berbeda di Nusantara, walau setiap lagu punya nilai setara signifikan di mata Aray, namun ia tetap tak bisa menampik bahwa tembang paling istimewa di Dreaming Dreams adalah “Hey Dylan”. Di karyanya yang ini Aray mengungkapkan seberapa berharga putranya di hidupnya. Sementara itu “Nice to be Green” menjadi unik di sini karena bertema sedikit berbeda dengan lagu-lagu lainnya dimana yang diusung adalah isu tentang lingkungan hidup serta seberapa perlunya kita berpartisipasi dalam menjaga keasriannya.

Ray D’Sky pertama kali terbentuk ketika Aray—yang sempat tenar bersama band Plastik dan kala itu masih aktif menjadi personel Steven & Coconuttreez—berkehendak untuk beranjak ke gaya hidup yang lebih santai dan riang ria. Mengikuti saran kawan dekatnya, Bongky, Aray lalu dengan mantap memutuskan menggeluti genre yang dijalaninya sekarang. Pada 2007 ia kemudian berinisiatif masuk studio rekaman hingga akhirnya melahirkan album perdana, Released by Reality, serta melibatkan Didit Saad, Bongky, Iwanouz dan Aci.

Jika anda menyukai reggae, bir, bersantai berhiaskan panorama pantai, Ray D’Sky adalah pilihan paling pas. Ikuti terus perkembangannya lewat situs resminya: www.raydsky.com

If you are into reggae, cold beer and the hot-summery beach, then Ray D’Sky will suit you. After releasing their breakthrough debut album Released by Reality in 2009, the Jakartan band have made a come back with their latest album, just released a few weeks ago: Dreaming Dreams.

Featuring 12 songs, the album was recorded in different islands across Indonesia.  It was produced by Aray Daulay, who is also the main guy behind Ray D’Sky in general, backed up by Didit Saad. Presenting “Terjebak di Pulau yang Indah” as the first single, the album is peppered with several brilliant local artists, including Ras Muhamad, Indra Q, Syaharani, and Njet Barmansyah.

According to Aray, unlike the previous album, this new release puts less emphasis on the use of acoustic instruments and more focus on groove-driven songs. The album reflects a positive and energized new chapter in Aray’s life as expressed in “Dreaming Dreams”: …You know the sun will always be the sun, just like we will never live without love. But I’m not always gonna be the same, ’cause everyday people change

Contact demajors for their album at [email protected] and keep yourself updated by regular visits to their official website: www.raydsky.com.


*This article was firstly published on The Beat (Jakarta) #74, Oct 29 – Nov 11, 2012

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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