Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: ATHRON MCCANN

Edition: October 28, 2009Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: ATHRON MCCANNWhy Sing It When You Can SCREAM IT!:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and (most) photos, written and handpicked by Athron Himself :: ...Paying respect to those who know how to get their point across…

Edition: October 28, 2009

Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: ATHRON MCCANN
Why Sing It When You Can SCREAM IT!

:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and (most) photos, written and handpicked by Athron Himself ::

…Paying respect to those who know how to get their point across…

The Playlist:

1. Outshined – Soundgarden
One of the definitive vocalists of the Grunge movement, Chris Cornell’s range and ability to tear bricks out of walls with his high-pitched scream is a trademark sound that many have tried to emulate—and many have failed. This track from the album Badmotorfinger solidified Soundgarden as a serious force and hailed Chris as vocal legend. To avoid destroying this opinion, do not listen to his latest solo album release (EVER!)

2. Territorial Pissings – Nirvana
The mighty sound of Kurt Cobain’s voice struck the right note with youth across the world. His anguish, depression and “I don’t give a fuck” attitude came through with every word he sang and his song writing put “three power-chord songs” on the mainstream map. When Kurt screamed, kids smiled and said “me too”… He’s probably turned heaven’s choir into a distorted scream-athon and caused some angels to start chain smoking now that he’s departed earth…

3. Back in the Saddle – Aerosmith
Initially passed off as another Cock Rock band with a little more rock than cock, Aerosmith lived on and have outlasted many bands of the same genre. Who can deny Steven Tyler’s cranking vocal range. He was born to be a rock star in all its glam.

4. Bullet with Butterfly Wings – Smashing Pumpkins
Billy Corgan’s vocal style grated the ears of many and sounded like a soothing lullaby to many others, either way it remains a unique sound that nobody has managed to copy since. Soft vocal melodies over thick walls of distortion that switch back into clean electric guitar without notice are his trademark. There’s something to be said too for a singer that can scream like the best of them but chooses to only do it occasionally. This track is an example of him occasionally cutting loose…

5. Monkey Gone to Heaven – Pixies
Another fine example of a well placed scream; “then GOOOOD is seven” just may be a favorite Frank Black moment for many Pixies fans.

6. Oh! Darling – The Beatles
This track is written with a typical 50’s – 60’s format and Paul McCartney gives it a perfect wack of energetic old school soul, hitting the notes with a thick bravado that coined the era. It took him a week to get the vocal right, but would only do a take once each morning in the studio, as he wanted his voice to sound as rough a possible… I think we can say he achieved his goal.

7. Come Alive – Foo Fighters
The man who kept the beat for Nirvana was sitting on a huge secret that has now led to the next level of his success. Dave Grohl’s ability as a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist has earned him huge respect from fans world wide and he rarely writes a track that doesn’t lead into some thick growling scream based chorus or finale. This track builds up to it with class and the guitar riff is a driving force you don’t want to hear an end to… this man has lungs.

8. One Way Mule – Silverchair
The teenage boys who won a radio competition in Australia over 15 years ago have lived on to be one of the most successful rock bands of the country. Daniel Johns is the man behind the writing and his ability to switch from soft melodic ballads to roaring rock anthems with his vocal presence is to be admired. This track introduces us to how deep his lungs really are…

9. F.U.N.K. – Betty Davis
The diva half of Miles Davis, this Betty knew where the funk was at and she had a voice that was born to scratch the tops of microphones.

10. Show Me How to Live – Audioslave
Chris Cornell with the boys of Rage Against the Machine; it may not have been a long standing career and the combination may not have worked across every track on their three album releases, but this track stands out as a perfect result of the merge.

11. Woman in You – Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals
You don’t have to be in a heavy band to add some screams to your songlist. Ben knows how to throw a little high-end wail into a soft ballad and this live recording shows how far he can take it when the moment gets emotional. The boy can sing…

12. The Pot – Tool
Tool marked a genre and created a whole new sound in the world of heavy metal and alternate rock. Maynard James Keenan brought a new irony to the game by singing some seriously fucked up lyrics with an angelically sweet presence as distorted guitars bled underneath him. And when he chose to make the point with a scream, nobody argued. This guy’s voice is as apolished and raws you can get, at the same time…

13. My Ass is On Fire – Mr. Bungle
Mike Patton. Considered by most to be one of the most versatile vocalists of our modern times. What can’t he sing? Mr Bungle allowed him to go wherever he wanted vocally and he covers a decent amount of ground with this track, all with a slice of dark perverted humor, something he loves to delve into often. The way he sings “You knew all along god dammit, but you wouldn’t tell me… well look at you now!” is something we all wish we could scream at someone at some point of our lives. If only we could do it like Mike…

14. It’s Gonna Be a Long Night – Ween
The Ween brothers just may be the most successful duo of weirdness to hit the world stage. They manage to do what many artists wish was possible; write, record and play whatever they want, whenever they want and usually with a twist of dark humor. This track is from The Mollusk, an album of sea shanties (why not?). The lyrics are hilarious and the vocals show what they’ve got when they want to get loud…

15. I Feel Good – James Brown
Do I really need to tell you about this daddy?

16. Devil’s Haircut – Beck
Beck’s ’96 album Odelay was awarded “Album of the Year” by Rolling Stone America along with UK mags NME and Mojo. He manages to mix experimental sampling with live instrumentation to create a pop art collage that works in both the alternate and mainstream worlds. He’s also a vocalist that can let out a scream unexpectedly, as the very end of this track shows.

17. Climbing Up the Walls – Radiohead
Thom Yorke’s vocal presence goes without saying. If you haven’t heard the album OK Computer there’s a huge hole in your CD collection. Thom’s vocals soar beautifully but rarely shred, if you listen closely to the end of this track you’ll hear that he can shred it up like the best of them when he chooses…

18. Let Love Rule – Lenny Kravitz
Lenny wrote, recorded, produced and played every instrument on this album. His vocal style became his unique fingerprint and it involves a shitload of screaming in a James Brown type context, mixing it in throughout all his pop melodies. The man had some serious soul, but unfortunately the Kravitz goodness died the day he took his shirt off in a video clip…

19. Morphine and Chocolate – 4 Non Blondes
They may have faded away into the memory of one hit single, but if one woman knew how to crack out a thick scream that hit you in the guts it was Linda Perry from 4NB. This track has a ripping moment of pleasure for your ears…

20. The Battle of One – 30 Second to Mars
Love or hate emo (and I HATE emo), the genre does breed some fantastic screamers. Jared Leto knows how to let it shred and he doesn’t hold back for a second in this track, well doesn’t hold back for 30 seconds anyway… a little less mascara and teenage angst and we could all take him seriously.

21. Deer Dance – System of a Down

These boys are musician’s musicians. I’m not sure that they’ve ever hit a bung note and if they weren’t tearing down the walls of corporate institutions and lying governments they may have been in some sort of highly regarded vocal choir singing intelligently enlightening vocal melodic phrasing. Fuck that…

22. Bulls on Parade – Rage Against the Machine
Chanting repetitive phrases with righteous anger and screaming at the beasts of the world; Zack knew how to get a point across with his take on stepping up to the soap box…

23. Happiness in Slavery – Nine Inch Nails
Trent Reznor loves a good throat tear and spits it out continually in his post-apocalyptic goth drenched world. It would be silly to not acknowledge how well he does it though…

24. Police! Police! – Young and Restless
This Indonesian singer may look small and cute, but her vocal attitude would bite the heads off teddy bears and baby ducklings. The band—including her brother on drums—recently split up which is a damn shame as they were a force to be reckoned with. After seeing this band live, with her screaming the word “Satan” repetitively and spitting on the stage, I still walked away wanting to marry her… though maybe that says more about how fucked up I am…

25. Ugly in the Morning – Faith No More
Another Mike Patton moment worth delving into, again showing both his twisted sense of humor and hard core vocal chord shredding talent… legend.

26. Phone Home – The Dillinger Escape Plan

… and again; Mike Patton with another of his side projects. Funny though, his “Side Projects” always end up so popular they end up being major touring acts. I have no idea how many hours he has in a day. It’s possible that even God listens when Mike screams…

27. F.S.O. – Regurgitator
Australian outfit from Brisbane who moved from heavy ass riff based EP’s to electronic pop mash ups over a few albums, but all with enough humor in the mix to keep it cool and retro-fun. Quan proves in this track that he has some serious guts when it comes to smashing out a scream…
~ Watch the video here

28. Blood – Pearl Jam
Eddie Vedder’s vocal ability is no stranger to alternate rock. He floats from a clean note into a blood-curdling roar with so much ease you really wonder whether he has two vocal boxes hidden in his chest. Pearl Jam have written some heavy riff driven tracks in their time and this track punches through like a one armed heavy-weight on crack who’s just been cheated on. Eddie holds a note that sounds like a Satan himself is being exorcised from his body, while the band lay down a funk twist to an otherwise ball tearing number… You’ll know it when you hear it.

WARNING: While under the influence of this set-list, ALWAYS operate heavy machinery. If pain persists, please consult your counselor.


Note: Athron McCann is the Editor of The Beat magazine, a Rock-n-Roll troubadour, too. He’s now busy doing a project with Kaimsasikun’s Ian Stevenson


» If you wanna download the whole playlist please click here

Upcoming exhibitions*:

– November 04, 2009: Marlowe Bandem (art curator, digital jockey)
– November 11, 2009: Rude Boy Dodix (Ska professor, sound bwoy at-large)
– November 18, 2009: Jason Tedjasukmana (Time magazine, music critic)
– November 25, 2009: Stuart Wilford (The Beat magazine, music critic)
– December 02, 2009: Ayip Matamera (the God of graphic design, ex-Jazz impresario)
– December 09, 2009: Paulus Panggabean (General Manager of Hard Rock Indonesia, real Hard Rocker)
– December 16, 2009: Jerinx (drummer of Superman Is Dead, Punk Rock prince charming)
– December 23, 2009: Wenz Rawk (Editor of Rolling Stone online, m/ metalhead m/)
– December 30, 2009: Aldo Sianturi (Managing Director of Aksara Records)

Boozed, Broozed, and Broken-boned,

*subject to change


The Block Rockin’ Beats
Curator: Rudolf Dethu
Every Wednesday, 8 – 10 PM
The Beat Radio Plus – Bali, 98.5 FM

120 minutes of cock-melting tunes.
No bullcrap.
Zero horse shit.
Rad-ass rebel without a pause.

Shut up and slamdance!


Previous edition click here

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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