Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: AYIP MATAMERA

Mungkin momen yang tak terjadi pada setiap orang bisa mengenal musik Rock semenjak usia 8. Dan lagi, yang dikenal adalah grup macam Alice Cooper, Uriah Heep, Led Zeppelin, dll seangkatannya di tahun 1978. Itu karena Oom saya yang nge-Rock abis dimana kita tinggal di Bandung

Edition: November 25, 2009

Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: AYIP MATAMERA
Hear It See It

:: Playlist, (most) photos and notes, handpicked and written by Ayip Himself ::

…Mungkin momen yang tak terjadi pada setiap orang bisa mengenal musik Rock semenjak usia 8.
Dan lagi, yang dikenal adalah grup macam Alice Cooper, Uriah Heep, Led Zeppelin, dll seangkatannya di tahun 1978.
Itu karena Oom saya yang nge-Rock abis dimana kita tinggal di Bandung.
Lagunya, cover kaset dan LPnya plus majalah Aktuil yang jadul itu ada di sana.

Ya, di ujung jalan deket rumah disitulah bangsanya Deddy Stanzah, Gito Rollies kongkow kongkow sama si Oom.
Thanks ya Oom, Rocknya demikian berkesan sampai sekarang walau gak jaminan lebih tau banyak dari yang baru suka…

Selebihnya, perjalanan mengenal Rock mulai lewat konser di Jakarta masa SMP-SMA jamannya Acid Speed Band, Cockpit, dsb.
Selera juga mulai bergeser dari apa yang disebut Hard Rock ke Classic atau Art rock dan belakangan Progressive Rock.
Gak tau ya… Barangkali frekuensinya buat kerja kreatif tuning sekali!

Di bawah ini, walau tidak secara timeline, adalah yang pernah menggurat waktu dan beberapa still OK buat bikin suasana khusus.

Sekali lagi lagu-lagu Rock saat itu memang surealis dan itu erat hubungannya dengan penggambaran ‘art’nya di cover.
Story-nya bukan hanya digambarkan dalam desain tapi lagu-personalitas group dan gaya covernya seperti dua kutub seni yang saling mengimbangi dan memperkaya.
Banyak lagu yang berkesan tapi digitalnya tak dapat dijumpai dan, maaf, referensi saya dominan below 2002 saja agar ada sense of jadul-nya.
(Hanya seorang Dethu yang bisa membuat hal personal ini terdengar untuk umum)

Ingat, dengerin lagunya sambil liat seni di cover albumnya…

1. Heart of Stone – The Rolling Stones
Dramatik ballad dengan bungkusan blues dan R&B ini sangat berkesan buat para green activist.
Kisah tentang logo kondang Lips & Tongue karya John Pasche ini dibuatnya sewaktu dia masih mahasiswa desain dan hanya dihargai sekitar 80 pound. Ternyata logo itu cocok banget dan dipakai hingga saat ini. Sketsa desain awal desain itu laku 92.500 US$ dan kini menjadi koleksi the Victoria and Albert Museum
Album/Year Released: The Rolling Stones, Now! (1965)

2. Play With Fire – The Rolling Stones
Out of Our Heads (1965)

3. The Rain Song – Led Zeppelin
Lagu ini menjadi momen baru bagi LZ dalam urusan mengemasnya di dapur rekaman. Tapi kisah sang pembuat cover desain Storm Thorgerson demikian menariknya: “People say I’m terrible to work with and I imagine I am.” “As a designer, I’m completely amoral,” Kata Thorgerson. “I don’t care about the money, the time or the energy it takes: it’s the design that matters. I don’t really care about people’s inconvenience.”
Houses of the Holy (1973)

4. Beth – Kiss
Destroyer (1976)

5. Dont Let It Show – Alan Parson Project
Don’t Let It Show [Single] (1977)

6. Long Distance Runaround – Yes
Fragile (1971)

7. Why Cant This Be Love – Van Halen
“Blind fans” Lee Roth gak suka sama lagu ini, padahal energik sekali untuk ungkapan keraguan cinta
Why Can’t This Be Love [Single] (1986)

8. What It Takes – Aerosmith
Aerosmith pernah jadi teman perjalanan overland Bandung-Bali yang mantap
Pump (1989)

9. Living on the Edge – Aerosmith
Get a Grip (1993)

10. Strictly Confidential – Roxy Music
For Your Pleasure (1973)

11. Run – Collective Soul
Dosage (1999)

12. Try So Hard – Tesla
Five Man Acoustical Jam (1990)

13. Paradise – Tesla
The Great Radio Controversy (1990)

14. The Brazillian – Genesis
Invisible Touch (1986)

15. I Belong to You – Lenny Kravitz

5 (1998)

16. Fly Away – Lenny Kravitz
5 (1998)

17. Always On The Run – Lenny Kravitz
Mama Said (1991)

18. Supper’s Ready – Genesis

Ini lagu terpanjang yang terbagi atas 5 sequel dan Genesis mampu menjaganya tetap berkesan dari awal sampai akhir
Foxtrot (1972)

19. Trilogy – ELP
Trilogy (1972)

20. Citizen Erased – Muse
Ini barangkali band terakhir yang mampu membuat karakter yang hampir sama dengan Proggressive Rock yang mendahuluinya. Kecerdasannya mampu menghadirkan Neo Prog yang advance dan kontinuitas bagi penggemar progressive Rock di era sebelumnya
Origin of Symmetry (2001)

21. Space Dementia – Muse
Origin of Symmetry (2001)

22. Feeling Good – Muse
Origin of Symmetry (2001)

23. Freewill – Rush
Sama trionya dengan Muse dan sama hebatnya dalam membuat “licking” yang memudahkan kita mengenalnya
Exit…Stage Left (1981)

24. Red Barchetta – Rush
Exit…Stage Left (1981)

25. The Spirit of Radio – Rush
Exit…Stage Left (1981)

AlanParsonsProject-EyeintheSky26. Old & Wise – Alan Parsons Project
Eye in the Sky (1982)

27. Remedy – The Black Crowes
The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion (1992)

28. Fanfare for the Common Man – ELP
Works Volume I (1977)

29. Firth of Fifth – Genesis
Selling England by the Pound (1973)

30. Afterglow – Genesis
Cover album designed by Hipgnosis.
Wind & Wuthering (1976)

31. Andromeda Sunrise – Dali’s Dilemma
Manifesto for Futurism (1999)

32. Acid Rain – Liquid Tensions Experiment

Liquid Tension Experiment 2 (1999)

33. Chewbacca – Liquid Tensions Experiment
Liquid Tension Experiment 2 (1999)

34. When The Water Breaks – Liquid Tensions Experiment
Liquid Tension Experiment 2 (1999)

35. Summerdream – Lucifer’s Friend
Where the Groupies Killed the Blues (1972)

36. Freak Show Excess – Steve Vai
Real Illusions: Reflections (2005)

37. God Gave Rock ‘n’ Roll to You – Kiss
Revenge (1992)

Ayip is the founder of Matamera, the pioneer of graphic design and communication company in Bali. A big-time Prog Rock aficionado. He used to organize many jazz festivals in Bali. He initiated Bali Jazz Forum, too. Currently he’s the head of Bali Creative Community<


♫ If you wanna listen to the songs, go to Big Audio Dynamite on your top right and pick the playlist ♫

Homegrown & Well Known: ARIEF ‘AYIP’ BUDIMAN


Upcoming shows/exhibitions★:

– January 27, 2010: Robi Navicula (The Last Grunge Gentleman)
– February 03, 2010: Aldo Sianturi (Managing Director of Raksasa Records)
– February 10, 2010: Paulus Panggabean (Managing Director of Hard Rock Indonesia)
– February 17, 2010: Indra7 (half body of Media Distorsi, half body of Microchip)
– February 24, 2010: Keke Tumbuan (photographer, editor of Free! magazine)
– March 03, 2010: Riann Pelor (MC from hell)
– March 10, 2010: Soleh Solihun (journalist of Rolling Stone)
– March 17, 2010: Sayap Imaji (writer, atheist)
– March 24, 2010: Otong (vocalist of Koil)

Boozed, Broozed, and Broken-boned,

★subject to change


The Block Rockin’ Beats
Every Wednesday, 8 – 10 PM
The Beat Radio Plus – Bali, 98.5 FM

120 minutes of cock-melting tunes.
No bullcrap.
Zero horse shit.
Rad-ass rebel without a pause.

Shut up and slamdance!

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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