Sing With Drew

Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniAnother young talented Jakarta band: Drew. The story started in 2007. Sashi Gandarum (vocal, guitar) was asked to be a regular performer doing acoustic cover version sets at a cafe in Kemang. Sashi then asked her old band mates Putra Praditya (guitar) and Aji Yudo (drum) to back her up. Drew, a unisex name, was also chosen due to an admiration to Drew Barrymore. Thus, a band was born. During three years when they played in bars and lounge around Kemang, they had a chance to release an original single, "Unromantic". From here, they became more enthusiastic to release their own original works. Then in 2009 they recruited Shanda Singgih (bass) to join the team. Finally in late October 2011 their debut album, Sing With Drew, was released. It consisted of 11 songs, the compositions are basically easy listening pop songs but more deep and meaningful, yet based on non-fictions. Two well-known guys also participated behind the scene for Drew debut album: Tommy P. Utomo as the sound engineer, and Andi Rianto as the music director. Their first single, "Radio", has currently played heavily on national radios. Go to MySpace and type "singwithdrew" to listen to their songs and find out more about them.

For English version please scroll down

Kumpulan 3 pria dan 1 wanita yang namanya mulai banyak dibicarakan terutama di ibukota ini sejatinya terbentuk tanpa rencana. Syahdan pada 2007 Sashi Gandarum diminta mengisi acara reguler menyanyikan lagu-lagu Top 40 secara akustik di sebuah kafe di Kemang. Akibat keterbatasan pasokan musisi Sashi akhirnya mengajak serta Putra Praditya serta Aji Yudo yang notabene adalah sejawat di grup musiknya jaman dulu. Untuk trio baru ini, Drew kemudian digunakan sebagai identitas resmi. Drew sendiri bisa dimaknai ganda: sebagai nama yang merefleksikan sosok unisex dan tentu saja bersinggungan dengan idola mereka, Drew Barrymore.

Setelah merasa cukup selama tiga tahun berkeliling ngamen di seputaran Kemang, kesempatan merilis sebuah single bertajuk “Unromantic” dalam kompilasi Nubuzz 1.1. cukup memompa semangat Sashi dkk untuk menerbitkan karya milik sendiri. Shanda Singgih lalu diajak serta untuk bergabung pada 2009 serta langsung bergerak secara kolektif untuk fokus lagi serius mengerjakan lagu-lagu orisinil Drew. Sashi bertanggungjawab di sektor vokal dan gitar, Aji di gitar, Shanda di bas, dan Putra di drum.

Pasca menerbitkan teaser pada Oktober 2010, sepanjang awal hingga pertengahan 2011 mereka kemudian menyiapkan seluruh materi untuk album perdana. Sampai pada penghujung Oktober, rangkaian komposisi yang direkam secara live di Aquarius Music Studio akhirnya resmi terbit dengan tajuk Sing With Drew. Dari jajaran tembang yang terdapat di dalamnya, seluruhnya bercorak pop ramah kuping walau tak bisa dibilang ringan tanpa kedalaman. Yang menarik, lagu-lagunya adalah non-fiksi alias berdasar kisah nyata. Dari 11 yang ada, 10 di antaranya adalah karya sendiri. Di antaranya adalah ritme ceria “Radio” yang bernuansa asmara, tentang seorang penyiar radio yang mengirimkan pesan ke seseorang yang dianggapnya istimewa dan semoga ia mendengarnya. Lalu senandung “High” yang berlirik Inggris berkisah tentang fenomena ketergantungan terhadap sesuatu/seseorang, saking mencandunya, ujung-ujungnya ingin lebih, lebih, dan lebih lagi. Sementara satu lagu yang bukan karya pribadi Drew adalah “Aku Takut Jatuh Cinta Lagi” bikinan Ahmad Dhani yang di masa silam pernah dinyanyikan oleh Reza. Tak cuma itu, dua figur kawakan juga turut berperan membantu di belakang layar: Andi Rianto sebagai music director dan Tommy P. Utomo menjadi sound engineer.

Sebelum pergi membeli CD-nya, silakan simak beberapa lagunya di halaman MySpace mereka dengan mengetik: singwithdrew. Jadwal manggung mereka juga bisa didapatkan di situ.

English version

Another young talented Jakarta band: Drew.

The story started in 2007. Sashi Gandarum (vocal, guitar) was asked to be a regular performer doing acoustic cover version sets at a cafe in Kemang. Sashi then asked her old band mates Putra Praditya (guitar) and Aji Yudo (drum) to back her up. Drew, a unisex name, was also chosen due to an admiration to Drew Barrymore. Thus, a band was born.

During three years when they played in bars and lounge around Kemang, they had a chance to release an original single, “Unromantic”. From here, they became more enthusiastic to release their own original works. Then in 2009 they recruited Shanda Singgih (bass) to join the team. Finally in late October 2011 their debut album, Sing With Drew, was released. It consisted of 11 songs, the compositions are basically easy listening pop songs but more deep and meaningful, yet based on non-fictions. Two well-known guys also participated behind the scene for Drew debut album: Tommy P. Utomo as the sound engineer, and Andi Rianto as the music director. Their first single, “Radio”, has currently played heavily on national radios.

Go to MySpace and type “singwithdrew” to listen to their songs and find out more about them.


*This article was firstly published on The Beat (Jakarta) #58, February 2012

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.



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