The Hydrant: Dirty Thirty

Versi Bahasa Indonesia sila klik di siniIndonesia's rockabilly ambassador, The Hydrant, are here again and in full swing. After more than a year since releasing Bali Bandidos, the pompadour contingent have come back dandy and fully pomaded via their newest album, Dirty Thirty. The Bali quartet with the latest formation Marshello (singer, harmonica), Wis (guitar), Adi (contra bass) and Christopher (stand up drum), have a specific reason naming the album Dirty Thirty. The motor of the band, Wis and Shello, just turned the age of 30 years old and both agreed to step into the phase of being "dirty" to rock 'n' roll attitude which is getting married and having kids. This is the third full-length album for them since forming on August 14, 2004; and consist of 9 songs which are devoted to Americana and rockabilly-o-rama. The lyrics still talk about social issues ("Race to Nowhere" and "Boogie Cadillac") and the love, dynamic life of the personnel ("Wild Wild Boy", "My Baby", "Don't Cry"). They also have one guest guitarist, Krisna, participating in the swing-infected song, "Shake, Rhythm & Jive". Meanwhile Wis experiments a bit with Yngwie Malmsteen-cum-rockabilly in "Kuta Beach Terror" plus an instrumental composition, "The Outlaw Song". An album for all fashion-conscious rockers not to miss.

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Paguyuban pria pompadour, the Indonesia’s rockabilly ambassadors, datang kembali menggedor. Setelah lebih dari setahun silam pada 2009 merilis Bali Bandidos, kuartet kebanggaan Bali dengan formasi terkini Marshello (biduan, harmonika), Wis (gitar), Adi (contra bass) dan Christopher (stand up drum) ini mengajak khalayak kembali berdansa seraya tetap sadar busana via Dirty Thirty.

Tajuk sedemikian rupa tentu ada alasannya. Wis dan Marshello, duo yang menjadi motor kelompok bentukan 14 Agustus 2004 ini kebetulan baru saja melewati usia 30 tahun sekaligus bersepakat melangkah ke fase “kotor” (baca: murtad rock ‘n’ roll) dalam hidup di antaranya dengan memutuskan menikah dan mempunyai anak.

Album penuh ketiga yang dikerjakan di studio Krisna, Tabanan, ini berhiaskan 9 senandung nan setia Americana serta sujud bakti rockabilly. Jajaran tembangnya sendiri liriknya masih berkisar soal lika-liku kehidupan yang dijalani para personel The Hydrant seperti “Race to Nowhere” yang berkilas balik tentang hobi balap motor liar Wis di kala remaja, “Wild Wild Boy” bertutur soal pemberontakan Marshello dari belenggu kekasih tercinta sekaligus pengekang kebebasannya, “Boogie Cadillac” menyorot isu hot rod, “My Baby” berupa romansa pada gadis pujaan, serta “Don’t Cry” berkisah mengenai perasaan sang biduan menjelang akhir masa lajangnya.

Selain ajojing dengan swing di “Shake, Rhythm & Jive” (Krisna turut mengisi solo gitar di sini), The Hydrant juga menyelipkan musik bernada diminished gara-gara Wis yang mengaku kangen sentuhan Yngwie Malmsteen lalu mengkloningnya ke rockabilly dan memunculkan “Kuta Beach Terror”. Sementara musik minus vokal—mereka istilahkan sebagai “instrument-a-billy”—bertajuk “The Outlaw Song” ditempatkan sebagai penyambut paling awal.

One-two-three Dirty Thirty!
Shake, rhythm and jive, pretty baby!

Daftar Lagu:
1. The Outlaw Song (musik: Wis)
2. Boogie Cadillac (musik & lirik: Adi)
3. Wild Wild Boy (musik & lirik: Wis)
4. Race to Nowhere (musik: Wis, lirik: Adi) – Silakan unduh gratis di sini
5. Kuta Beach Terror (musik: Wis, lirik: Marshello)
6. Don’t Cry (musik & lirik: Marshello)
7. Shake, Rhythm & Jive (musik & lirik: Wis)
8. My Baby (musik & lirik: Marshello)
9. Dirty Thirty (musik: Wis, lirik: Marshello)

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English version

Indonesia’s rockabilly ambassador, The Hydrant, are here again and in full swing. After more than a year since releasing Bali Bandidos, the pompadour contingent have come back dandy and fully pomaded via their newest album, Dirty Thirty.

The Bali quartet with the latest formation Marshello (singer, harmonica), Wis (guitar), Adi (contra bass) and Christopher (stand up drum), have a specific reason naming the album Dirty Thirty. The motor of the band, Wis and Shello, just turned the age of 30 years old and both agreed to step into the phase of being “dirty” to rock ‘n’ roll attitude which is getting married and having kids.

This is the third full-length album for them since forming on August 14, 2004; and consist of 9 songs which are devoted to Americana and rockabilly-o-rama. The lyrics still talk about social issues (“Race to Nowhere” and “Boogie Cadillac”) and the love, dynamic life of the personnel (“Wild Wild Boy”, “My Baby”, “Don’t Cry”). They also have one guest guitarist, Krisna, participating in the swing-infected song, “Shake, Rhythm & Jive”. Meanwhile Wis experiments a bit with Yngwie Malmsteen-cum-rockabilly in “Kuta Beach Terror” plus an instrumental composition, “The Outlaw Song”. An album for all fashion-conscious rockers not to miss.


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Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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