Upcoming Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: RYAN KOESUMAIf That Is What Is Being Thought, Liberated Sound Talks The Depth Of "Musical" World:: Playlist & notes, handpicked & written by Ryan Himself ::When my good rock guru Rudolf Dethu, made a follow up program of his Rock chronicles "Clash Pistol", and started to invite some of the notorious mavericks (or charlatans if you like) in the local music industry to guest-edit the program "The Block Rockin' Beats : Rock-n-Roll Exhibition", I said to myself, "Hey, I could do this too!". But then I realized that I came from a totally different generation (the so-called Generation Y) from most of the guys (the so-called Generation X). I had never heard most of the stuff they came up with. Continuing the habits of exposing and preaching the romanticized names on rock history (most of them you'd probably haven't heard also, if your were my age) would be very [lebay].
So when the opportunity came, instead of pretending and boasting my knowledge down on the Rock Memory Lane, I decided to narrow the lists to my personal, naive musical preferences. Some of you may judge this as banal guilty pleasures, but hey, I come from where everything is available in an instant, and these are what I had actually listened to. I could make a couple more playlists and this is just the first of (hopefully) many.