• Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniWith too much monkey business in their heads, Superglad released their fifth album, Cinta dan Nafsu. Over eleven songs, this Jakartan quartet follow the path of their overflowing libidos. The lyrics of songs like " Enny Arrow", "Mas Tur dan Mba Sri", "Sofa Merah Percintaan", are pure testoterone-drive rock. After the group released a free-download teaser single "Rajah Sayap Malaikat" in May, anticipation was high for the album, which was formally brought out on June 25, 2011. The first 1000 copies sold out during their solo concert on the first day of release. The new composition from the band, founded in 2003, sees them changing paths from pop-punk to a more metal sound. According to Giox, the bass player, they looked to the Misfits, Bad Religion and Smoking Popes as musical guides on this one. The group refuses to follow what the market wants, focusing instead on what's important to them: freedom, more speed, and more sex.


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