Edition: August 10, 2011Rock-n-Roll-Exhibition: COKI SINGGIHMusic That Take Me Places:: Playlist, intro, and song descriptions, handpicked and written by Coki Himself :: Dari dulu sampai sekarang gue selalu lebih suka playlist orang, karena kalau playlist sendiri, well, gak ada kejutannya aja, jadi waktu almighty Dethu minta playlist, I knew it’s going to be a tough shit… Gak ada tema khusus buat playlist gua, gua lebih ke particular mood I was in at certain time, or what songs play in my head that I want to hear. Yang jelas ini lagu-lagu yang selalu gue denger from time to time, and the only theme that fits is "Music That Takes Me Places". If I still like the places it is taking me, chances are I’m still gonna listen to it. For me, Great Music takes me places, places I dream to be, feelings I yearn to feel. Good Music takes me places, but not necessarily places I favor. Bad Music do not take me anywhere, just bunch of tunes that doesn’t mean shit. ♫ Radio streaming live from 8-10 PM http://army.wavestreamer.com:6356/listen.pls ♫


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