Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: COKI SINGGIH

Edition: August 10, 2011Rock-n-Roll-Exhibition: COKI SINGGIHMusic That Take Me Places:: Playlist, intro, and song descriptions, handpicked and written by Coki Himself :: Dari dulu sampai sekarang gue selalu lebih suka playlist orang, karena kalau playlist sendiri, well, gak ada kejutannya aja, jadi waktu almighty Dethu minta playlist, I knew it’s going to be a tough shit… Gak ada tema khusus buat playlist gua, gua lebih ke particular mood I was in at certain time, or what songs play in my head that I want to hear. Yang jelas ini lagu-lagu yang selalu gue denger from time to time, and the only theme that fits is "Music That Takes Me Places". If I still like the places it is taking me, chances are I’m still gonna listen to it. For me, Great Music takes me places, places I dream to be, feelings I yearn to feel. Good Music takes me places, but not necessarily places I favor. Bad Music do not take me anywhere, just bunch of tunes that doesn’t mean shit. ♫ Radio streaming live from 8-10 PM ♫

Edition: August 10, 2011

Rock-n-Roll-Exhibition: COKI SINGGIH
Music That Take Me Places

:: Playlist, intro, and song descriptions, handpicked and written by Coki Himself ::

Dari dulu sampai sekarang gue selalu lebih suka playlist orang, karena kalau playlist sendiri, well, gak ada kejutannya aja, jadi waktu almighty Dethu minta playlist, I knew it’s going to be a tough shit…

Gak ada tema khusus buat playlist gua, gua lebih ke particular mood I was in at certain time, or what songs play in my head that I want to hear.

Yang jelas ini lagu-lagu yang selalu gue denger from time to time, and the only theme that fits is “Music That Takes Me Places”. If I still like the places it is taking me, chances are I’m still gonna listen to it.

For me, Great Music takes me places, places I dream to be, feelings I yearn to feel. Good Music takes me places, but not necessarily places I favor. Bad Music do not take me anywhere, just bunch of tunes that doesn’t mean shit.

The Playlist

01. Blessed By Your Own Ghost – Elliott
Gua tahu lagu ini dari Arian13. Dari pertama denger langsung nyangkut, karena lagu ini bawa gue ke tempat yang sangat familiar, almost auto-biographical. The beauty of misunderstood or under appreciated folks, this song takes me to a lot of personal places & circumstances, from school era until recent time. Mungkin kalau film ini adalah American Splendor buat gue.
Album: False Cathedral/Year Released: 2000

02. Aeroplane Flies High – Smashing Pumpkins
When the mood is right, I wander off the ground with this one. Requires the ability to check the distance, the aeroplane flies high, turns left, looks right…
Aeroplane Flies High/1996

03. Life on Mars – David Bowie
With this song Bowie invites everybody to go to his world, his world of skepticism, hope, anxiety over consumer culture & weird, mustard psychedelia. And I took that invitation with pleasure.
Hunky Dory/1971

04. Veil of Deception – Death Angel
Another song about innocence and naivety, only this one brings me to high-school picture of naive-rebellion. Kadang-kadang gak ngerti banyak itu malah lebih keren, lebih “attitude”, lebih pure.
Act III/1989

05. 3 Libras – A Perfect Circle
Effective pop that makes the lyrics cliché somewhat forgivable, when you wanna fool yourself into that juvenile ‘you can’t see through me’ shit, this is a nice escape.
Mer De Noms/2000

06. Minerva – Deftones
An interesting blend of grand feelings topped with Chino’s signature tortured-like vocal. Adoration, worship, optimism, this is not a typical Deftones delivery. A rare feeling of collective rather than personal triumph in an apocalyptic world, I just dive right in!

07. Surprise You’re Dead – Faith No More
Jim Martin sekarang tinggal di Pondok Labu.. Luckily that’s not the case, but he is indeed a very successful pumpkin farmer for some good years now. I once woke up a room full of sleeping junior students with this song blasted through stereos, a pretty nice prank…
The Real Thing/1989

08. Mentor – Torche
Think of a Neanderthal rides a blind rhino, blazing everything that comes in their way.

09. Controller – Prong
A very danceable tune.
Rude Awakening/1996

10. First It Giveth – Queens of The Stone Age
If you ever need that speedy rhythm to overtake all the cars in Jakarta toll roads, this one is it.
Songs For The Deaf/2002

11. Best of You – Foo Fighters
The best song about man’s testosterone and its vulnerability. A pop gem. Couldn’t ask for more.
In Your Honor/2005

12. Entre Nous – Rush
The anti-thesis of cheesy love song. Never will a song of this subject written this way again. Flat out simple and pure genius, and has old-skool Rush all over it for sure.
Permanent Waves/1980

13. One in A Million – Guns n Roses
If we can look past the redneck narrow-mindedness of its lyrics, this is one the best road song ever written, straight up raw and unpolished.

14. Back in NYC – Genesis
Peter Gabriel is a punk, cerebral terrorist.
Lamb Lies Down On Broadway/1974

15. Thorn In My Pride – Black Crowes
Whiskey soaked, endless cigarettes and that little thing about being a man’s man and giving comfort to your woman. The typical agony we all male species got into every now and then…
The Southern Harmony & Musical Companion/1992

16. Society – Edie Vedder
A gentle, beautiful defiance as well as self-centeredness of youth, if at some point of your young life you feel like this song, chances are you’re having that rare sanity, which you should keep for life. Society, you crazy breed, I hope you’re not angry, if I disagree… I hope you’re not lonely, without me…
OST Into The Wild/2007

17. Flower – Eels
A geek, a good heart, a triumph.
Beautiful Freak/1996

18. I Can’t Go For That – Hall & Oates
Brilliant cheesy song, perfect for chit chat background and driving sing-along, which is a rare combination. Whoever did that groove-loop intro is high on some good thang.
Private Eyes/1981

19. Last Chance on The Stairway – Duran Duran
The effortless-ness of this song makes it a pure pop pleasure. The cigarette lit sound in the beginning sets the mood perfectly.

20-21. Landslide – Fleetwood Mac / Smashing Pumpkins
Sometimes I like a song so much, I put it back to back. In this order, it is pretty clear that Mac’s version is the matured one, while Pumpkins’ is that young lad, in the intersection of life, curious about that turning point called getting older.
Fleetwood Mac/1975
Pisces Iscariot/1994

22. Sebelah Mata – ERK
Buat gue ERK, at best, adalah contoh ide musikal brilian yang dieksekusi dengan sama briliannya. Lagu ini hanya salah satu contohnya.
Efek Rumah Kaca/2007

23. Closer To The Heart – Rush
Kalau seniman sering merasa alergi/terbebani dengan ungkapan “pesan moral dalam suatu karya”, Rush embraces it, and executes it brilliantly on this one. I believe it’s that direct simplicity and earnestness that makes the delivery charming rather than pretentious.
A Farewell to Kings/1977

24. Rain Song – Led Zeppelin
Why don’t anyone make pretty, landscapic song like this anymore, I wonder… And that guitar playing, that bloody tone, Jimmy Page is GOD.
Houses of The Holy/1973

25. Kinderszenen Op. 15 Traumerei (Dreaming) – Robert Schumann
My late dad used to play this on piano, from time to time. The song takes me straight to that place written in the scripture, place you will find that serenity in a still water, that sorta thing. One of the song for my funeral for sure. Btw this song is played when Russia entered Berlin after they conquered Germany in WW II. I’ve seen a video where grown man wept when the famous Horowitz played this song in Moscow show in 1986, decades after WW II ends, and I shiver to the immense power of that particular scene.

26. My Favorite Things – Julie Andrews
A brilliant melody from that movie about this nun cum governess who has a thing for singing in the hill or something.
OST Sound of Music/1965

27. Masuk Surga – Bite
I personally think that Bite is a smart addictive pop that is often overlooked, and this song is their best example yet. It’s just too bad that their live performance at times don’t do justice. It does take me places this one, I feel like I’m on ever-swaying trapeze, weeeeee…

28. Melody Fair – Bee Gees
Possibly my ultimate guilty pleasure song, and always played with its side-kick back to back, “First of May”. Both are soundtrack for the minor hit early 70s movie “Melody”, which has Tracy Hyde, my eternal love struck.
OST Melody/1971

29. Sweetness Follows – REM
Somber yet optimistic contemplation, like only REM could. A burial ceremony on the bank of remote Americana swamp, that’s where this one takes me.
Automatic For The People/1992

30. Insensatez – Antonio Carlos Jobim
The haunting piano version, a terribly sad parting or a murder aftermath, both are only 2 possible places you could go with these notes.
OST Lost Highway/1997

31. Lilac Wine – Nina Simone
Whatever Nina sings, I oblige.
Wild is The Wind, Philips records/1966

32. Hallelujah – Leonard Cohen
Picturing a dingy bar, ada sosok berjalan sedikit terhuyung, still trying to pull that distinguished gentlemen gesture, sporting that signature smirk, ternyata itu elo Deth… ☺
Various Positions/1984

33. Corpus Christi Carol – Jeff Buckley
A badly wounded warrior and his lover, medieval atmosphere. Swords, blood, weeping maid, the inevitable death, this could easily be a post-battle scene straight out of Tolkien’s book, and who wouldn’t want to be a part of that story…


Single-Parenthood + Strategist x Rock n Roll Entrepreneur = Coki Singgih.

What he says about himself—he’s definitely evolving: “Strangely enough, the older I get, I have this certain inclination towards the harder part of my musical taste.” Been fantasizing, “I dream to go to Wacken Open Air, Maryland Death Fest & of course The Big 4 (Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, Megadeth).

However, in my private time I enjoy almost any music that is beautiful, intense or simply have strong character, some you will hear in my playlist.

Music wise, I am bloody fortunate to have a piano playing Dad, 6 brothers and sisters, all have left their mark in my musical taste, from Schumann to Led Zep to Leonard Cohen to just anyone.
My boys inherit my wide range of musical taste, in their tender years they like anything from Black Sabbath, Bowie, Tears for Fears to Lamb of God even Bieber haha…”


♫ Download the whole playlist here

Upcoming shows/exhibitions*:
– August 17 | Exhibition: Tony Tandun (art director/graphic designer cum photographer/video artist)
– August 24 | Exhibition: Anto Arief (Substereo radio announcer and producer, founder of 70′s Orgasm Club)
– August 31 | Exhibition: Randy Salim (in priority order: metalhead, World Banker)
– September 07 | Exhibition: Kartika Jahja (singer, songwriter)
– September 14 | Exhibition: Rio Farabi (guitarist of White Shoes & The Couples Company, multifaceted artist)
– September 21 | Exhibition: Wok The Rock (Visual artist, founder Yes No Wave Music)
And more exhibitions by Ricky Surya Virgana, Tony Trax, and more.

See y’all again next Wednesday!

Boozed, Broozed, and Broken-boned,
*subject to change

The Block Rockin’ Beats
Curator: Rudolf Dethu
Every Wednesday, 8 – 10 PM
The Beat Radio Plus – Bali, 98.5 FM

120 minutes of cock-melting tunes.
No bullcrap.
Zero horse shit.
Rad-ass rebel without a pause.

Shut up and slamdance!

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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