Bottle Smoker: Bright Lights, Big Cities Tour

Versi Indonesia klik di siniGoing on a tour overseas, especially Asia Pacific region, has become very much a business-as-usual thing for Indonesian musicians. Not only for big name bands, but also independent acts like this electronica group from Bandung called Bottlesmoker. Angkuy and Nobie began their career in 2005, and will start their journey on February 26, finishing up on March 16. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is going to be the first stop, and then continuing to Gadong, Kuala Belait & Bandar Seri Bagawan (Brunei Darussalam), Shanghai & Beijing (China), Wan Chai (Hongkong), with the last gig in Medan. Actually, this is the fourth tour outside of Indonesia for Bottlesmoker. On the first one they performed in Malaysia in 2009, and then the Philippines in 2010, Malaysia again in 2010, and this year to several countries for their biggest tour ever. Stay informed about the tour by regularly visiting and listen to their unique bedroom music songs via

Makin banyak serta kian kerap saja musisi Nusantara unjuk kebisaan di manca negara, utamanya Asia Pasifik. Berbeda dengan masa lalu, kongsi seniman domestik beraksi di luar negeri bukan kisah terlalu ajaib lagi. Pada 2011, Bottlesmoker yang digdaya mengawali. Tepatnya 26 Februari 2011 hingga 16 Maret 2011. Dimulai dari Kuala Lumpur sebagai kota pertama dan berakhir di Medan. Dengan Malaysia sendiri Bottlesmoker bak memiliki ikatan berkesenian nan kuat sebab negeri jiran itulah yang paling mula memberi kesempatan mereka melanglang keluar Indonesia. Sementara Medan dijadikan persinggahan penghabisan sebab ibukota Sumatera Utara tersebut dianggap potensial, apresiasi dan responsnya sejauh ini cukup positif, fanbase-nya lumayan jelas.

Selebihnya, duo electronica asal Bandung yang terdiri atas Angkuy dan Nobie ini rencananya bakal manggung di antaranya di Gadong, Kuala Belait & Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei Darussalam), Shanghai & Beijing (China) serta Wan Chai (Hongkong). Khusus untuk penampilan di Beijing grup yang telah berkiprah sejak 2005 ini menjadi wakil Indonesia dalam Asian Echo 2011 yang mana prestasi serupa sempat pula diraih saat diposisikan sebagai representasi Nusantara di ajang A*Fest 2010 di Manila, Filipina.

Perjalanan sepanjang 19 hari ini terhitung sebagai tur terbesar mereka sepanjang sejarah berdirinya Bottlesmoker. Dibanding empat tur sebelumnya, “Hello We Are Bottlesmoker – Malaysian Tour 2009”, “Bottlesmoker Smiles to Philippines 2010”, “Bottlesmoker Smiles to Malaysia 2010” dan “Botol Jalan Jalan – Indonesian Tour 2010”, yang ke-5 ini skalanya lebih masif, menjangkau barisan kota serta negara yang lebih banyak lagi beragam. Dan sebagaimana yang sudah-sudah anjangsana kali ini juga dominan diorganisir oleh mereka sendiri dengan memanfaatkan jejaring yang telah terbangun di kota-kota besar yang akan disinggahi. Salah satu merek busana lokal juga turut menyokong dalam beberapa hal.

Simak seksama perjalanan mereka melalui situsnya: serta dengarkan tembang-tembang khas bedroom music yang unik via

English version

Going on a tour overseas, especially Asia Pacific region, has become very much a business-as-usual thing for Indonesian musicians. Not only for big name bands, but also independent acts like this electronica group from Bandung called Bottlesmoker.

Angkuy and Nobie began their career in 2005, and will start their journey on February 26, finishing up on March 16. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is going to be the first stop, and then continuing to Gadong, Kuala Belait & Bandar Seri Bagawan (Brunei Darussalam), Shanghai & Beijing (China), Wan Chai (Hongkong), with the last gig in Medan.

Actually, this is the fourth tour outside of Indonesia for Bottlesmoker. On the first one they performed in Malaysia in 2009, and then the Philippines in 2010, Malaysia again in 2010, and this year to several countries for their biggest tour ever.

Stay informed about the tour by regularly visiting and listen to their unique bedroom music songs via


*This article was originally published on The Beat Jak #33, February 2011
*Photo courtesy of

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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