22 January 2025MUSICRUSSIAN ROCK ‘N’ ROLL MANIFESTOBeen spending most of my Fridays in January at Nuanu for live music. Four different acts. All Russians. All amazing.
6 October 2024TBFUTBFU #2: SUICIDE GLAMThe 2nd edition of TBFU, SUICIDE GLAM, depicts the narrative of a clothing line that has shook up not only the fashion scene, but also pop culture in general.
31 July 2024TBFUTBFU #1: 100% ATTITUDEEdisi siniar perdana TBFU: 100% ATTITUDE ini mengisahkan album kompilasi yang berperan signifikan terhadap ekosistem skena indie di Bali.
15 March 2024MUSICTHE NATIONAL AT SIDNEY MYER, 15 YEARS LATERMy second time watching The National, 15 years later.
29 February 2024FESTIVALTHE NEXT JOHN TRAVOLTA TURNED 27My 27th birthday bash on 25 Feb at RTB. A so-called civilised debauchery.
11 June 2023MUSICLOKANANTA BLOC: WAJAH BARU NAN SEMRINGAHFestival Lokananta tandai kembalinya Lokananta sebagai sentra kreativitas!
8 June 2023MUSICREGENERASI BERNYALIRegenerasi Bernyali, program dengan ide dasar inkubasi lewat pelatihan sumber daya rock 'n' roll, baru saja bergelinding.
1 December 2022MUSICWEEZER AT ROAD TO NOW PLAYINGWeezer. Whisky. Surf Wax Peninsula. And women screaming ecstatically.
12 September 2022MUSICBALI: DESTINASI WISATA KONSERBarangkali sudah saatnya Bali bertransformasi menuju identitas turisme baru: DWK - Destinasi Wisata Konser.
2 August 2022MUSICCOOLY ROCKS ON TOUR: ROCKABALI SEBAGAI KANON KULTURKisah jaya wijaya The Hydrant di Cooly Rocks On Festival 2022 di Gold Coast, Australia.
27 July 2022MUSICTHE HYDRANT GIGSABILLY 2022Where and when The Hydrant will start a rockabilly riot, late July till early October 2022.
28 January 2022MUSICWE ARE THE WORLD37 years ago today, Quincy Jones convened the marathon recording session of "We Are the World". Over 40 artists were involved.
10 December 2021MUSICWESTSIDE MUZEEQ – GRAND LAUNCH PARTYYesterday, I was honoured to host the official ribbon-cutting ceremony to welcome the new record shop in town: Westside MuzeeQ.
24 November 2021LITERATUREPREP: I AM, SANDRINA MALAKIANO. 50 WHAT?Getting ready for the launch party of my third book, a biography of a TV personality: I AM, SANDRINA MALAKIANO. 50 WHAT?
8 November 2021MUSIC, SHOWBIZTHE HYDRANT GIGSABILLY 2021: NOV-DECThe Hydrant shake-rattle-roll schedule, Nov-Dec 2021.