Domestic chaos and prolonged internal problems in Indonesia has inspired The Brandals to write and release DGNR8 (read: degenerate). The latest album after a drought of for four years is a tribute to the great nation of Indonesia, and how the band feels that the country has lost its way of life. The rather cynical viewpoint from the group that now prefers to call themselves "BRNDLS" is further strengthened by the design of the album cover, which is in the shape of the form of drug packaging. According to the band, DGNR8 is a kind of drug offered to the sick people in the dilapidated condition of the nation. Also with the progressive statements, the music direction has changed somewhat as well. The explosive approach of earlier efforts is now more controlled as the quartet grow older and more mature, but the foundation is still rock-n-roll. In one song, "Abrasi", Eka Annash & co. even invited the hip hop living legend, Morgue Vanguard aka Ucok Homicide to rap. Other than audio disc, this album has an interesting bonus, too, DGNR8: The DVD, which is a documentary movie about the making of the album, including the "behind the screen" story about the music and the dynamics of these angry young men.

Kisruh dalam negeri di Indonesia yang bak tak berkesudahan, sengkarut keseharian nan berkepanjangan di Nusantara, segala riuh kemelut domestik di negara yang konon “jamrud khatulistiwa” ini telah mendorong The Brandals—yang notabene sempat vakum selama empat tahun—untuk menerbitkan DGNR8 (baca: degenerate). Album yang secara nasional telah dirilis sejak Juni 2011 ini, menurut grup musik yang kini menyebut dirinya BRNDLS, merupakan sebuah tribut untuk bangsa besar yang mengerdil sehingga menjadi bahan tertawaan rakyat yang terjebak di dalamnya.

Deklarasi sinis oleh kelompok yang kini beranggotakan Eka Annash (biduan), Rully Annash (drum), Tony Dwi Setiaji (gitar), Mulyadi “PM” Natakusumah (gitar) dan Radit Syahrazam (bas) diungkapkan ekspresif via desain sampul album serta packaging yang berbentuk kemasan obat. DGNR8, menurut BRNDLS, adalah semacam obat persembahan untuk rakyat yang sakit karena kondisi bangsa yang kian bobrok.

Selain memuntahkan pernyataan yang ofensif, pun di isu musikal mereka merombak arah bermusiknya secara ekstrim lagi masif. Ledakan emosi yang dulunya diumbar meledak berhamburan, sekarang lebih terkontrol, kian tenang. Eka Annash mengistilahkannya sebagai, “We made peace with our demons.” Para personel yang terus beranjak dewasa plus makin matang merasa telah tiba saatnya untuk cabut dari zona nyaman lalu bereksperimen dengan sound dan pendekatan musik berbeda. Hasilnya terpancar dari dua single yang dimunculkan duluan melalui internet dan radio, “Start Bleeding” serta “Perak”. Kaya warnanya komposisi tembang di DGNR8 tergambar pula lewat diajaksertanya si hip hop living legend Morgue Vanguard alias Ucok Homicide di lagu “Abrasi”. Walau demikian, menurut Tony, benang merahnya tetaplah rock-n-roll.

Mengenai resiko longsornya jumlah penggemar BRNDLS gara-gara formula anyar ini, Tony lanjut berujar frontal, “Gue dan Eka yakin, sebagian orang akan sangat suka dengan album ini, sedang sebagian lagi akan sangat tidak suka. Sekaligus menunjukkan apakah elo bener bener penggemar BRNDLS atau bukan.”

Selain kepingan cakram padat audio, DGNR8 juga menyisipkan bonus menarik DGNR8: The DVD yang merupakan sepucuk film dokumenter tentang riuh rendah lintang pukang BRNDLS saat mengerjakan album ini.

English version

Domestic chaos and prolonged internal problems in Indonesia has inspired The Brandals to write and release DGNR8 (read: degenerate). The latest album after a drought of for four years is a tribute to the great nation of Indonesia, and how the band feels that the country has lost its way of life.

The rather cynical viewpoint from the group that now prefers to call themselves “BRNDLS” is further strengthened by the design of the album cover, which is in the shape of the form of drug packaging. According to the band, DGNR8 is a kind of drug offered to the sick people in the dilapidated condition of the nation.

Also with the progressive statements, the music direction has changed somewhat as well. The explosive approach of earlier efforts is now more controlled as the quartet grow older and more mature, but the foundation is still rock-n-roll. In one song, “Abrasi”, Eka Annash & co. even invited the hip hop living legend, Morgue Vanguard aka Ucok Homicide to rap.

Other than audio disc, this album has an interesting bonus, too, DGNR8: The DVD, which is a documentary movie about the making of the album, including the “behind the screen” story about the music and the dynamics of these angry young men.


*This article was firstly published on The Beat (Jakarta) #42, June 2011
*Photos courtesy of Ade Branuza

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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