Maklumat Galau Themilo

Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniThe last time people heard news about Themilo was in 2003 when they released their debut full-length album, Let Me Begin. Now, 2011, this Bandung quintet is back presenting their newest composition: Photograph. The album consist of eight songs; one in Indonesian, six in English, and an instrumental. Two songs have been chosen as singles, "Do Not Worry for Being Alone," and "Daun dan Ranting Menuju Surga". Two guest stars participate in vocal department, namely: Maradilla Syachridar ("For All the Dreams that Wings Could Fly") and Grace Sahertian ("Apart"). Photograph has an interesting concept, where Themilo imagines they are holding a photo camera and using the viewfinder to capture their surroundings, with the lyrics being the result of the shooting. Themilo friends share stories about life, love, separation and introspection. Themilo was founded in 1996 by Ajie Gergaji as his side project. The first time they attracted public attention was when they released a song called "Sianida" in May 2001.

» English version please scroll down

Orang sabar disayang Tuhan. Penikmat shoegaze dikasihi Themilo.

Setelah 7 tahun menunggu sejak diterbitkannya album pertama, Let Me Begin, kelompok asal Bandung ini akhirnya datang lagi menghampiri publik dengan Photograph yang dirilis beberapa pekan silam. Kuintet dengan formasi terkini Ajie Gergaji (gitar, biduan), Upik (gitar), Suki (bas), Hendi Unyil (kibor) dan Budi Cilsen (drum) di komposisi tergresnya mengandalkan “Don’t Worry for Being Alone” dan “Daun dan Ranting Menuju Surga” sebagai single. Kemunculan kembali lewat Photograph ini bisa disebut sebagai langkah menepati janji kepada pencinta setia Themilo, mengabari mereka masih ada serta konstan berkarya.

Bicara konsep, Photograph diandaikan bahwa Themilo memakai sudut pandang seolah-olah sedang memegang kamera foto untuk mengabadikan objek sekitarnya. Sementara lirik-liriknya merupakan hasil dari pemotretan objek yaitu kawan-kawan Themilo curhat seputar kehidupan, asmara, perpisahan dan introspeksi diri.
Album yang mengajakserta 2 bintang tamu di departemen vokal, Maradilla Syachridar (“For All the Dreams that Wings Could Fly”) dan Grace Sahertian (“Apart”) ini dihiasi dengan 8 tembang; 1 berbahasa Indonesia, 6 berbahasa Inggris, pula sepucuk instrumental.

Themilo sendiri terbangun pada 1996, semata sebagai projek sampingannya Ajie Gergaji yang kala itu masih menjabat sebagai gitaris Cherry Bombshell. Ketika memutuskan untuk justru menyeriusi Themilo, Ajie lalu merekrut Suki, Budi Cilsen dan Hendi Unyil, sebagai personel tetap, hingga hari ini. Baru pada Mei 2001 kiprah mereka terdeteksi oleh publik lewat rilisan lagu “Sianida” yang terselip sebagai bonus (dalam wujud kaset) di majalah Ripple. Sampai akhirnya menerbitkan album penuh perdana Let Me Begin pada 2003 serta berlanjut dengan Photograph 7 tahun kemudian.

English version

The last time people heard news about Themilo was in 2003 when they released their debut full-length album, Let Me Begin. Now, 2011, this Bandung quintet is back presenting their newest composition: Photograph.

The album consist of eight songs; one in Indonesian, six in English, and an instrumental. Two songs have been chosen as singles, “Do Not Worry for Being Alone,” and “Daun dan Ranting Menuju Surga”. Two guest stars participate in vocal department, namely: Maradilla Syachridar (“For All the Dreams that Wings Could Fly”) and Grace Sahertian (“Apart”).

Photograph has an interesting concept, where Themilo imagines they are holding a photo camera and using the viewfinder to capture their surroundings, with the lyrics being the result of the shooting. Themilo friends share stories about life, love, separation and introspection.

Themilo was founded in 1996 by Ajie Gergaji as his side project. The first time they attracted public attention was when they released a song called “Sianida” in May 2001.


*This article was originally published on The Beat (Jakarta) #37, April 2011

Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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