
Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: PHILIPS VERMONTE

Edition: Wednesday, February 09, 2011Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: PHILIPS VERMONTELagu-lagu Empat Musim:: Playlist, intro, and song descriptions, handpicked and written by Philips himself :: Siapa tak kenal mahakarya komponis besar Italia, Antonio Vivaldi yang berjudul The Four Seasons (Le Quattro Stagioni). Mahakarya ini terdiri dari empat set orkestrasi biola dimana Vivaldi 'berkisah' tentang empat musim: spring, summer, autumn/fall, winter. Menjadi mahasiswa di Amerika dalam lima tahun terakhir memberi saya kesempatan menikmati (juga mengalami derita) empat musim yang bergerak dari satu ekstrim ke ekstrim lain. Membuat list lagu terbaik adalah tugas maha berat. Maka, saya melarikan diri dengan memilih sekedar menulis lagu-lagu yang menemani saya melalui empat musim setiap tahun, selama lima tahun terakhir.
Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniAfter over a year established and already at cult-like status, Morfem have finally released their debut album, Indonesia. It contains seven songs, five of which are in full band format, the rest in acoustic. "Pilih Sidang atau Berdamai" has been picked as the first single. In this self-produced album, Jimi Multhazam (vocals, band leader), Pandu Fathoni (guitar), Bramasta J. Sasongko (bass), & Freddie Warnerin (drums), also supply two songs with English lyrics, both written before Jimi even founded Morfem, when his songwriting was different from today. Speaking of genre, they're still loyal to what they've always been doing: a mix-match between punk rock, pop with a folky tendency, with a dash of Pandu Fathoni's fuzzy, roaring guitar. To raise public awareness, very soon Jimi (supported by Henry, his long time visual art partner) will work on the videoclip of "Pilih Sidang atau Berdamai". So, stick around and stay updated by regularly visiting the Morfem website at
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the tenth edition I went upclose-and-personal with Marcell Siahaan.
Edition: October 13, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: NASTA SUTARDJO90s Big Bad Boutique:: Playlist, intro, and song descriptions, handpicked and written by Nasta Herself :: I'm having a total revelation. Who would've thought you missed the 90's so bad? I mean it literally kicks off the word "Phat" and created the hair gel "just got out of bed", wearing tucked-in t-shirt on a bootcut jeans is fine? Those kind of ridiculousness reminds me of my good old days, skipping and got dropped out from college. Yes. I was, in fact a ruthless UI student who got kicked out after 6 month of absentee. Being a "good" apprentice that I am, determined to leave the country to, so to say, discovering British scene. And all I got was a revelation of a self righteousness and blinded me from seeing the fact that no man can ever defeat the female power. Growing up in the 90's is such an advantage. The decades helped form and shape my independent music taste. Growing out from the heavy metal/glam rock scene, I was a real sucker to alternative rock panorama. Then the girl band/singer scene really kicks in. It further become the gesture of my works. Did attempt to form an all girl band. Twice. Sucked on it. My salutation to all of the absolute wicked female bands/singer that rocked my cradle. The wind is blowing the other way. Channeling kinda lo-fi rock 90's groove all the way, with a twist. From the alternative rock to shoegazing until the era of the forgotten trip hop to disco, nevermind the bollocks, here is the 90's female band! Thanks Mr. Dethu for bring me back there!
by: Trisha SertoriRudolf Dethu loves music. This man who does not play an instrument breathes sound like the rest of us depend for life on oxygen. The sounds people create are what give him life. "Since I was a kid I've been interested in music," says Dethu in understatement of his passion. He was born 42 years ago, he says with an ear for music, popular culture and new directions that drew him to start a bunch of bands that were not mainstream, breaking fertile ground in the process. 'I started many bands. The first was around 1988. That was a cover band. It was a small start in music, but I felt drawn to music even though I could not play an instrument. I saw I could convince people of which were the good bands and other people started listening too," says Dethu, most widely known as first manager of punk band, Superman is Dead.Read more
Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniIn the context of international entertainment, last year brought a lot of hope to Jakarta. So many overseas musicians were involved (Java Jazz 2010 itself brought 430 musicians alone). The calibre of the festivals became much bigger (Java Rockin'Land was considered to be the largest rock event in South East Asia). More and more world famous bands came and played (311, Placebo, Smashing Pumpkins, to name a few). How about 2011? It gets even more huge. The early of this new year N.E.R.D. will play in Istora Senayan. A bit after that Ne-Yo also perform at the same venue. In February there'll be Deftones, Iron Maiden and New Found Glory. In March Stone Temple Pilots. In April Jimmy Eat World & Maroon 5. From this list the general public can be optimistic that the music show in Indonesia will be even more dynamic. We won't be too surprised if Jakarta or Indonesia could reach at least "Asia's Rock Mecca" status in 2011...
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the ninth edition I went upclose-and-personal with Dewiq.


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