Deklarasi Cupumanik: Grunge Harga Mati

Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniCupumanik are back. These Bandung's grunge veteran just released their newest single with a video clip, "Grunge Harga Mati" a few days ago. This song is their first ever single after quitting from a major label. It's also their significant step to fully apply a kind of Do-It-Yourself ethos. Che, the frontman, said that starting December 2010 they will release one song every two months and give it away a.k.a. free of charge. Another six songs are ready to be distributed thru next year. The single "Grunge Harga Mati" is like a declaration that Cupumanik is identical to grunge, Cupumanik is grunge itself. They have always been tagged as a grunge band by the public, and it naturally has become their flesh and blood so this time they formally declared it. Regarding the video clip, it basically talks about the transformation that happened with Cupumanik, from major label to an indie band. It is expressed in the clip via the change in their fashion statement. Check out their newest single & video clip in YouTube. Keep updated with them via

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Cupumanik itu grunge. Grunge itu Cupumanik. Dua kutub ini bak pantang dipisahkan, terlanjur melekat di identitas Che dan Rekan, yang kemudian menyatu secara alami. Dari situ lalu menyeruak ide untuk menulis tembang sekaligus deklarasi bahwa Cupumanik memang mengusung “rock kotor” (grunge) sekaligus wujud integritas: Grunge Harga Mati. Penerbitannya dibarengi pula dengan peluncuran videoklipnya.

Sejatinya sejak berpisah dengan label mayor Cupumanik telah bulat bertekad menjalankan ideologi “rock wiraswasta”. Kiat mengarungi blantika musik dengan fpola mirip Do-It-Yourself ini pun dijalankan tak setengah-setengah. Semua lagu milik Cupumanik dibagikan secara cuma-cuma. Tiap dua bulan, mulai Desember 2010, Cupumanik menjadwalkan diri merilis “bercak rock kotor” secara gratis. Dan hibah “Grunge Harga Mati” bukanlah taktik pemasaran tradisional sejenis “sample gratis” dengan embel-embel tertentu di belakangnya. Tapi ini murni, bebas bea tanpa ikatan apa-apa. Lagu-lagu ke berikutnya, “Luka Bernegara”, “Rockstar Kamuflase”, “Agama Tanpa Tanda Jasa”, “Merah Putih Manifesto”, “Aku Tidak Bisa Tidak Bertuhan”, ya sama saja, tetap bisa diunduh cuma-cuma.

Cupumanik bilang, “Seluruh single yang akan dirilis gratis, dan akan didukung video klip yang juga di-share gratis. Dengan cara seperti itu semua lagu mendapat ‘porsi pamer’ yang sama untuk dikenalkan ke publik. dengan merilis semua single berikut video klipnya, semoga tak akan ada lagi karya lagu yang ‘menderita publisitas.’ Konsep ini ada di jantung strategi kami.”

Sementara itu mengenai klip “Grunge Harga Mati” sang sutradara, Eko HC, menekankan pada sisi transformasi, “Saat pertama kali ditawari menggarap ‘Grunge Harga Mati’ yang paling terpikir adalah perubahan, karena muncul lagi ke publik dengan kisah baru dari major ke indie. Nah, identitas baru yang akan ditampilkan sebagai bom awal. Berlanjut dengan bom berikutnya: fashion statement.” Hal tersebut dipertegas lagi oleh Cupumanik dengan memajang foto 4 sesepuh rock kotor: Kurt Cobain, Eddie Vedder, Chris Cornell, serta Layne Staley. Ditambah lagi dengan pemilihan lokasi di Rossi Musik Fatmawati yang notabene kerap dipakai sebagai ajang penyelenggaraan konser rock kotor. Klimaks videoklip finalnya ditutup dengan visualisasi kaos bertuliskan “Kaum Kucel”, sebuah istilah yang agresif dimunculkan Cupumanik saat menyebut spesies pengkonsumsi rock kotor ini.

Silakan tonton “Grunge Harga Mati” di YouTube serta simak terus perkembangan Cupumanik di situsnya:

Cupumanik are back. These Bandung’s grunge veteran just released their newest single with a video clip, “Grunge Harga Mati” a few days ago. This song is their first ever single after quitting from a major label. It’s also their significant step to fully apply a kind of Do-It-Yourself ethos. Che, the frontman, said that starting December 2010 they will release one song every two months and give it away a.k.a. free of charge. Another six songs are ready to be distributed thru next year.

The single “Grunge Harga Mati” is like a declaration that Cupumanik is identical to grunge, Cupumanik is grunge itself. They have always been tagged as a grunge band by the public, and it naturally has become their flesh and blood so this time they formally declared it. Regarding the video clip, it basically talks about the transformation that happened with Cupumanik, from major label to an indie band. It is expressed in the clip via the change in their fashion statement.

Check out their newest single & video clip in YouTube. Keep updated with them via


*This article was originally published on The Beat (Jakarta) # 29, December 2010

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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