Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniCupumanik are back. These Bandung's grunge veteran just released their newest single with a video clip, "Grunge Harga Mati" a few days ago. This song is their first ever single after quitting from a major label. It's also their significant step to fully apply a kind of Do-It-Yourself ethos. Che, the frontman, said that starting December 2010 they will release one song every two months and give it away a.k.a. free of charge. Another six songs are ready to be distributed thru next year. The single "Grunge Harga Mati" is like a declaration that Cupumanik is identical to grunge, Cupumanik is grunge itself. They have always been tagged as a grunge band by the public, and it naturally has become their flesh and blood so this time they formally declared it. Regarding the video clip, it basically talks about the transformation that happened with Cupumanik, from major label to an indie band. It is expressed in the clip via the change in their fashion statement. Check out their newest single & video clip in YouTube. Keep updated with them via
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the eighth edition I went upclose-and-personal with Mian Tiara.
Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniThe melodic punk outfit from Yogyakarta, Endank Soekamti, have just picked "Semoga Kau di Neraka" as their second single. Not only the is the title pretty in your face (it means "wish you were in hell"), but the circumstances as to why it was chosen are a little unusual. They conducted a poll on social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter, hoping to gauge which song was considered the best to be the second single. And viola... As the second single, "Semoga Kau di Neraka", has also made an impact on the ring back tone sales, featuring even higher than their first single, "Audisi". So far Endank Soekamti has released 4 full-length albums. The first one, Kelas 1, was released in 2002 with help from Pongky Jikustik and Tony traX. The second, Pejantan Tambun, in 2005, and third, SSSTTT!!, in 2007, were both released under Warner Music Indonesia. In 2008 at the same time they quit from Warner, they started their own online radio: Soekamti FM. In 2010 they joined the Nagaswara label and in May released their fourth album, A few days ago they finally decided to use "Semoga Kau di Neraka" as their second single. Watch them live on Dec 19 in 1000 Bands concert in Cibubur. Or stay tune with what they are doing via
Tonite! Wednesday, December 15, 2010; 8-10 PMR-n-R Exhibition [mini version]: LECIRMelodicpunk & Meat Beat Manifesto:: Introduction, playlist, and photo, written and handpicked by Lecir Himself :: Saat pertama kali Rudolf Dethu meminta saya untuk terlibat dalam The Block Rockin' Beats untuk ikut berpartisipasi (dan bukan hanya sebagai pemutar CD di radio), saya tentu saja sangat merasa senang dan merasa terhormat. Saya sering berbeda pendapat dengan Dethu. Utamanya tentang melodicpunk juga Fat Mike (NOFX) yang sering disebutnya sebagai sosok fasis. Ya, di situs jejaring sosial macam Twitter kita memang sering berdebat tentang melodicpunk yang tidak fashionable. Tapi Dethu adalah seorang yang fair dan bisa menghargai perbedaan pendapat. Saya bukanlah seorang pembuat mixtape yang baik. Well, karena memang tidak pernah bikin sebelumnya! Haha... Maka dari itu saya akan berusaha merangkai lagu-lagu di dalam playlist ini sesuai dengan selera saya saja! Selamat menikmati! ♪♬♫ Radio streaming live
Here comes Indonesia's scariest band: Kelelawar Malam. Featuring Sayiba Von Terkutuk (vocals, guitar), Deta Beringas (bass, vocals), Fahri Al-Maut (guitar, backing vocals), and Apin Kiamat (drums), was released their debut album, Kelelawar Malam. The album consists of 12 songs with the central theme of horror stories and urban legends, and dabbles around punk rock, heavy metal, stoner rock, ballads, and delta blues. The band was founded in 2008 due to Sayiba and Deta's dual obsession with the American horror-punk band the Misfits, and their love of Indonesian horror b-movies. Sayiba then wrote the lyrics and Deta did the artwork. Stay connected with the living dead here:
Tonite! Wednesday, November 24, 2010; 8-10 PMR-n-R Exhibition [mini version]: MIAN TIARAA Journey:: Introduction, playlist and photo, written and handpicked by Tiara herself :: Let's pack our stuff, we're going on a trip, visiting places, travel through time and space. But first, bring what you need. Put them in your backpacks. Make sure all is checked. We might have to give up what we have and trade them with things along the road. Because that's a road trip is all about. No expectations, only excitements. Everything is random. We will not have the knowledge to see what is going to happen. We just have to experience it. Here's a little something to add something to your life. Now, let's get lost. ♪♬ ♫ Radio streaming live
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the sixth edition I went upclose-and-personal with Lani Leyli.
Tonite! Wednesday, November 17, 2010; 8-10 PMR-n-R Exhibition [mini version]: BONNY SIDHARTAMy Playlust---Nothin' but a Nosebleed, Helleluyah!:: Introduction and playlist, written and handpicked by Bonny Himself :: ...Well, ketika ditodong Gus Cuk a.k.a. Dethu untuk mengisi program The Block Rockin' Beats jujur agak kaget plus bingung; kaget kenapa gue bisa diajak (tengkyu Gus) dan bingung mau mengisi playlist apa ketika sadar waktu tinggal sehari lagi---sementara gue belom bikin playlist apa-apa... hehehe... Bingung! Ya, bingung, karena belakangan mayoritas musik yang keluar masuk kuping dan kepala gue mayoritas didominasi musik-musik berdaya ledak tinggi dan terlalu monoton untuk orang lain (walaupun tidak semonoton SURGA). Dan maafkan sebelumnya kalau playlust yang gue buat ini kurang cocok untuk didengarkan di kala malam... Btw, lagu-lagu yang gue pilih sekarang ini kebetulan lagu-lagu yang ada di dalam iPod gue, jadi gak semuanya ada kedekatan emosional sama gua, hanya sekedar suka ajah (sorry yah Thu, gue mengakui kalo gue pemalas). Dan maaf juga dalam pemilihan playlust ini gue dalam keadaan 100 persen SADAR... Sekali lagi maaf. But, hey, fuck that! Ini giliran gue, jadi suka atau gak suka, selamat menikmati! \m/ HAIL \m/ ♪♫♬ Radio streaming live
Edition: October 27, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: BELINDA KAZANCIFemme Voices Extraordinaire:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and (most) photos, written and handpicked by Belinda Herself ::I recorded a song called, I Fall to Pieces, and I was in a car wreck. Now I'm worried because I have a brand-new record, and it's called Crazy!~ Patsy Cline When you write, as an artist, you do it to capture and hold a chapter of your life in the palm of your hand. Every lyric, every melody, every spark of idea, has a life of its own.A It comes from experiencing love, anger, joy, pain, heartache, loss, all those emotions that make us human. When a song is born it becomes a part of you, and every time you hear it you get to relive that same moment over again. Throughout history, there have been so many extraordinary female artists who have made a tremendous impact on humanity. I chose this selection of songs and artists because each and every one of them has inspired me throughout my personal musical journey and continues to every day. This playlist is for all those extraordinary women who have chosen to be naked to the world and allow the public to see into them. This takes more courage than one can ever imagine. Peace & Delight, Belinda *Echocell*
Tonite! Wednesday, November 10, 2010; 8-10 PMR-n-R Exhibition [mini version]: SAMACKThe Self-Destrukt Hit List:: Introduction, playlist and photos, written and handpicked by Samack Himself :: Terus terang, ternyata tidak mudah bikin list yang berisi singel-singel favorit dari bermacam band. Setidaknya itu berlaku bagi saya, yang cenderung lebih mengapresiasi sepaket album daripada butiran lagu. Jika saya malas dan putus asa, mungkin list ini akan berisi semua lagu dari tiga album awal Metallica, atau semua lagu dari album The Wall-nya Pink Floyd, atau semua track yang ada di Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness-nya Smashing Pumpkins. Tapi syukurlah hal itu tidak saya lakukan, karena pasti dianggap menyebalkan di mata sang empunya program ini... Akhirnya, saya sempatkan membongkar file dan rak untuk mencari (kembali) lagu-lagu yang saya suka dan gilai selama hidup saya ini. Proses hunting lagu ini saya lakukan dalam tempo yang sesingkat-singkatnya. Jadi saya yakin pasti ada beberapa lagu yang luput dari memori dan pantauan. Tapi biarlah. Saya coba trik sederhana; konon jika hunting dimulai dari band favorit, lalu menuju ke album favorit, biasanya akan sampai pada satu lagu yang paling favorit juga. And it really works for me. Hasilnya sekarang ada 33 lagu yang saya susun secara acak---kecuali lagu pertama dan terakhir yang saya desain supaya tampak seperti 'live', haha... Beberapa lagu memang memiliki histori dan cerita spesial, sebagian lagi saya pilih karena musiknya emang keren aja dan bikin saya bersemangat. Oya, list lagu ini kebanyakan emang cadas dan 90an sih---tapi selalu ada ruang kok bagi lagu-lagu yang pop dan lembut, dari jaman lawas maupun era kekinian. Sekalipun saya saya cukup terbuka pada segala jenis musik, toh saya masih bangga menyebut diri saya sebagai seorang metalhead. Eits, metalhead?! By the way, saya mungkin orang yang paling durhaka pada root metal. Sebab, sejujurnya saya tidak pernah benar-benar terpukau pada Sabbath, Motörhead atau Slayer yang sering diagung-agungkan oleh banyak kawan saya itu. Jadi tiga band supermetal itu tidak ada dalam list ini. Jadi silakan menggugat kadar ke-metal-an saya hari ini... Well, menyusun list seperti ini ternyata menyenangkan dan seperti berbagi pengalaman. Duh, rasanya sebentar lagi saya akan kecanduan untuk menyusun list atau malah nekat bikin mixtape. Tapi please, jangan tanyakan lagi apa playlist saya ketika menyusun list ini...Plug. Play. Enjoy.♪♬ Radio streaming live
For Indonesian version please click hereAfter their last phenomenal album in 2005, The Osaka Journals, which was chosen as one out five greatest album of the decade by the Jakarta Post, Sajama Cut are back in full effect. A few weeks ago they released their third and latest work: Manimal. This album contains 8 songs and nothing has changed: Sajama Cut are still genre-free band. They, Marcel Thee (vocal, guitar), Dion Panlima Reza (guitar), Andre Humala (keyboard, synth, percussion), Randy Apriza Akbar (bass), Hans Citra Patria (keyboard, percussion), and Banu Satrio (drum); are as excited as ever before about having a wild adventure with Folk, Rock, Ambient, Sunshine & Baroque Pop---you name it, it's there. And at the same time retaining consistency with their absurd English lyrics. Manimal---the name came from an action-adventure 80s tv series---was recorded in their own studio, Movement. And during a whole year process the whole crew isolated themselves from the public, minimizing any distractions for a great record. Stay connected with Marcel Thee and co. by visiting
Edition: April 07, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: INDRA AMENG33 Songs of My Monday Mayhem Playlist:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and (a few) photos, written and handpicked by Ameng Himself :: Playlist ini spesial saya siapkan untuk dimainkan pada acara Monday Mayhem di bar legendaris, Parc, enam tahun yang lalu. Pertama kali saya diundang main sebagai Guest DJ di Monday Mayhem oleh Nasta Sutardjo pada tanggal 1 Maret 2004, saya langsung berpikir untuk mainin set list yang saat itu belum diputarkan di Parc. Idenya adalah memutarkan lagu-lagu yang bisa bikin suasana ramai hingar-bingar, bisa sing-along, dan teriak-teriak bersama. Untuk itu saya perlu musik yang keras, bikin semangat, sekaligus juga lagu-lagu yang bisa dinyanyiin bareng-bareng. Karena itu saya memilih membuat spesial set tribute untuk era 80s glam metal dan hair metal band setiap main di Parc. Era rock yang menghasilkan banyak lagu-lagu anthemic, yang bikin anak-anak muda di tahun 80an pengen nge-band dan punya rambut gondrong. Masa 80an ini jadi salah satu periode yang menyenangkan buat saya. Semasa masih di kelas 4 Sekolah Dasar tahun 1984, saya suka nginep di rumah kakak sepupu saya di daerah Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan. Dia mengkoleksi banyak kaset-kaset album rock dari mulai Kiss, Rush, Iron Maiden, Van Halen dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Dari situ, saya suka mendengarkan kaset-kasetnya dan mulai mengidolakan band-band tersebut, sampai ikutan mengkoleksi kaset-kaset keluaran Team Records dengan titel Rockline, Aquarius, Yess, dll. Berlanjut dengan beli majalah Vista yang banyak memuat foto-foto dan berita band-band rock idola saya, beli poster band, beli kaos band di Ratu Plaza, dan ikut nonton konser di Bulungan. Lagu-lagu dari band-band inilah yang jadi soundtrack masa ABG saya. Gara-gara kakak sepupu saya ini, saya lebih banyak menghabiskan masa remaja mendengarkan lagu-lagu Motley Crue, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Anthrax, dkk, dan bukan Duran-Duran atau Spandau Ballet. Kembali ke Parc, saat pertama main di Parc dengan playlist ini, saya meminta sebuah mikrofon, yang awalnya saya pergunakan untuk berbicara sedikit membuka set sebelum lagu pertama diputar, dan baru kemudian mikrofon dibuka untuk siapa pun yang ingin ikut bernyanyi. Kemudian keterusan menjadi kebiasaan untuk selalu menyediakan mikrofon setiap main. Setelah sempat dua kali main sebagai DJ amatiran, rasanya garing juga main sendokiran..., baru kemudian saya ajak Indra Tujuh (yang punya selera sama dan emang DJ beneran hehehe) sebagai partner untuk mainin playlist ini, dan jadilah duet DJ Duo Indra sebagai spesialis lagu-lagu era 80s glam metal dan hair metal band di Parc. Playlist ini saya dedikasikan untuk Monday Mayhem, teman-teman yang mengenang masa muda di tahun 80-an, juga untuk berbagi kepada mereka yang nggak ngalamin era rock 80an dan tentunya untuk menghibur hati yang luka hehehe... PS: Oh ya, terima kasih pada partner saya, Agent Virgo Ago Go yang mengusulkan pada saya agar men-share playlist ini di program The Block Rockin' Beats.
Tonite! Wednesday, November 03, 2010; 8-10 PMR-n-R Exhibition [mini version]: STIRLING SILLIPHANTThe Nostarwhere Tapes:: Introduction, playlist and photos, written and handpicked by Stirling Himself :: What I originally intended as a curatorial focus on a very specific genre (early-to-mid-'90s American Underground) has morphed into a retrospective on the music I was listening to from 2001-2006, a time when I was the heart, soul and scrambled brains of the nostarwhere collective. We (I, most of the time) booked DIY gigs for bands from all over the region (with a heavy Singapore and KL emphasis, though we got some takers from Oz, the States and Japan) in Bangkok, where I also played in my own band, Eastbound Downers. Growing up between Asia and the States in the pre-web days, I had a lopsided exposure to music. I'd tend to binge in the former (on live shows, records, 'zines, books) and hibernate in the latter. Say what you will about social networking, but without it, there were few avenues for an international school brat like me to stay simultaneously informed about global and local underground scenes. A couple years after I moved back to Southeast Asia in '99, I started to make up for lost time: Once I got hip to the incredibly diverse, talented regional scene, I started inviting bands up to play in Asia's crossroads city, my home at the time, Bangkok. The friendships forged in the course of doing so last to this day (and will far beyond), but another fortunate knock-on effect was the amount of music I was exposed to. The amount of 'what... you haven't heard of so-and-so?!,' and, 'you're from California and you've never seen such and such??' was dizzying. Like a good student, I took notes, I read up on stuff... and sure, I downloaded a few tunes on p2ps---but mostly I kept buying records. What follows is a cross-section of jams (some completely new, others 'rediscovered') that I either got turned onto over those years. Jams that were blasted out over the PAs of the dive bars where we set up shows (all closed now; if they were naïve enough to hand the keys to us for even a night, there was an operative lack of business acumen), late, late night and through the morning at the 'Stirling's house after-party', or the follow-on afternoon, when the slowing music would tease my thoughts to ask if this was really what I wanted to be doing for the rest of my life. ♪ ♫ ♬ Radio streaming live
Tonite! Wednesday, October 20, 2010; 8-10 PMUpcoming R-n-R Exhibition: VEROLANDChop-N-Roll: My On-The-Go Playlist:: Introduction and playlist, written and handpicked by Vero Himself :: Saya sangat kaget ketika membaca email dari Mr. Dethu kemarin yang mengingatkan saya harus mengirim list lagu-lagu pilihan saya dalam dua hari. Memang beliau sudah meminta saya dari beberapa bulan lalu, tapi somehow ada saja kerjaan yang mengganggu ketika saya mau mulai memilih lagu dari iPod model primitif saya. Berikut adalah playlist dari on-the-go-2 dalam iPod saya yang layarnya penuh guratan dan bercak oli; sering dipasang di workshop saya, biasa terdengar di antara bunyi batu gerinda yang beradu dengan pipa baja, tumbukan palu yang menghajar plat aluminum setebal 2mm (lebay...). Keras? Belum tentu, seperti halnya workshop saya yang kadang super berisik tapi kadang sunyi, pilihan musik saya tidak terpatok pada satu genre. Yang penting bagi saya, kadang bisa memompa semangat, tapi kadang juga menurunkan emosi ketika salah satu tukang las salah potong pipa. ♬ ♪ Radio streaming live
Edition: March 17, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: ARIBOWO SANGKOYONyanyikanlah Hidup Kita!:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and (most) photos, written and handpicked by Ribosa Himself :: Saya bersaksi bahwa tiada hidup selain musik dan saya bersaksi bahwa lagu-lagu berikut adalah penyelamat kewarasan saya. Semoga kita dikembalikan ke distorsi yang 'benar' dan terbebas dari godaan pasar yang terkutuk. Amin.
For Indonesian version please click hereAlmost a year after releasing their 3rd full-length album, Magnet! Magnet!, The Upstairs are back with their newest single and video, "Menaralara". Indra "Kubil" Idris (guitar) was the guy in charge for the video clip, while Jimi Multhazam (vocal) wrote the lyrics and Beni Adhiantoro (drums) took the position as producer. Yes, after quite a few musicians have come and gone, during their 9th year The Upstairs has officially became a trio with some additional players: Khrisna (keyboard) and Pandu Fathoni (bass, synth). Go visit YouTube now and witness---and dance to---"Menaralara"!
*For Indonesian version please click hereAquarius Pondok Indah, one of the biggest record stores in Indonesia and located in the South of Jakarta, will soon be closed. The shop, first opened in 1995, has simply run out of business. Mid-August saw them start selling tens of thousands of items in their collection with a massive discount. A few months before that, in February, Aquarius Surabaya, after operating for 7 years, went bankrupt and Aquarius Dago, which used to be one of the coolest hangout spots for kids who lived in Bandung, was shut down in December 2009 after 19 years of guts and glory. Disc Tarra, another national record retail chain, consisting of 78 stores to be precise, is apparently in a similar situation and although they haven't closed any of their stores yet, some in significant cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, and Denpasar, have been resized, some down to 50% smaller. This phenomenon, most people believe, is caused by the digital trend. MP3s and iPods took over the world. They are more popular than cassettes or cds and walkmans or tape recorders, and piracy is exacerbating the problem. Even the gigantic-size record stores like Virgin have lost the add-on "Megastore" in their title, switching now to become Virgin Store only. HMV, idem ditto, they get tinier. Not to mention Tower Records, once considered a major influential music institution in their heyday, called it a day in 2006. With the many DVD and CD shops that line many of Indonesia's streets, the Indonesian government must come up with a strategy to put a stop to piracy and illegal copies. If they fail to do this, the countdown to music armageddon will continue...


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