Five Men, Pop-Manoeuvres & Manimal

For Indonesian version please click hereAfter their last phenomenal album in 2005, The Osaka Journals, which was chosen as one out five greatest album of the decade by the Jakarta Post, Sajama Cut are back in full effect. A few weeks ago they released their third and latest work: Manimal. This album contains 8 songs and nothing has changed: Sajama Cut are still genre-free band. They, Marcel Thee (vocal, guitar), Dion Panlima Reza (guitar), Andre Humala (keyboard, synth, percussion), Randy Apriza Akbar (bass), Hans Citra Patria (keyboard, percussion), and Banu Satrio (drum); are as excited as ever before about having a wild adventure with Folk, Rock, Ambient, Sunshine & Baroque Pop---you name it, it's there. And at the same time retaining consistency with their absurd English lyrics. Manimal---the name came from an action-adventure 80s tv series---was recorded in their own studio, Movement. And during a whole year process the whole crew isolated themselves from the public, minimizing any distractions for a great record. Stay connected with Marcel Thee and co. by visiting

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Menyambung Apologia (2002) serta The Osaka Journals (2005), kongsi musik asal Jakarta Sajama Cut baru saja merilis Manimal beberapa pekan silam. Album ke-3 ini sepertinya amat ditunggu oleh barisan penggemar mereka yang mayoritas tumbuhkembang & berevolusi bersama proses berkesenian band ini.

Dalam mengerjakan karya berisikan 8 lagu ini, para personelnya yaitu Marcel Thee (biduan, gitar), Dion Panlima Reza (gitar), Andre Humala (kibor, synth, perkusi), Randy Apriza Akbar (bas), Hans Citra Patria (kibor, perkusi), dan Banu Satrio (drum); sengaja mengisolasi diri selama setahun di studio milik sendiri yang bernama Movement.

Tajuk Manimal dicomot dari serial televisi 80an yang berkisah tentang seorang pahlawan yang sanggup bertransformasi menjadi bermacam hewan untuk menghadapi musuh-musuhnya.

Marcel Thee menjabarkan lebih rinci,”Special effects di serial itu begitu buruk, tapi juga sangat menghibur. Tidak ada makna khusus pemilihan judul tersebut, kecuali bahwa selama penulisan lagu dan produksi album ini, kami banyak menonton kopian seri tersebut untuk menghibur diri.”

Dinamika deretan tembang yang menghiasi Manimal bak menegaskan kembali ciri khas Sajama Cut yang gemar bereksplorasi serta menolak terpaku pada satu genre semata: Ada Folk, pula Rock; Sunshine & Baroque Pop di sana, Ambient di sini, serta berbagai warna musik lainnya.

Banu Satrio menekankan kepelangian mereka,”Kita tidak pernah mematok genre lagu kita itu apa. Kita lebih ingin memberikan kepada pendengar kebebasan untuk menyebut musik kita ini apa.”

Marcel angkat bicara lagi seraya menggarisbawahi, “Tanpa keberanian untuk bereksperimentasi, sebuah band akan mati dan stagnan sebagai suatu institusi seni.”

Lirik nan absurd dan berbahasa Inggris yang telah menjadi merek dagang Sajama Cut pun teguh dipertahankan. Menurut Sajama Cut, emosi yang mencuat dari bunyi hasil kombinasi berbagai kata tertentu lebih penting daripada arti harfiah kata-kata tersebut.

Simak apa Randy Apriza Akbar bilang: “Kita bukan tipe band yang menyanyikan topik pada umumnya. Yang terpenting adalah lirik-lirik tersebut menyentuh diri kita sendiri.”

Begitu juga Dion: “Inspirasi-inspirasi didapatkan dari faktor keluarga, masyarakat dan sampah masyarakat lainnya—selain saya. Semuanya mengalir dalam satu alur membentuk simulasi hidup yang terekstrak ke senar gitar saya.”

Hans menutup seraya berseru, “Yang paling utama adalah kejujuran yang ingin dituangkan di dalam karya seni sehingga menjadikan orang lain merasakan hal serupa.”

Geluti terus geliat mereka di

English version

After their last phenomenal album in 2005, The Osaka Journals, which was chosen as one out five greatest album of the decade by the Jakarta Post, Sajama Cut are back in full effect. A few weeks ago they released their third and latest work: Manimal.

This album contains 8 songs and nothing has changed: Sajama Cut are still genre-free band. They, Marcel Thee (vocal, guitar), Dion Panlima Reza (guitar), Andre Humala (keyboard, synth, percussion), Randy Apriza Akbar (bass), Hans Citra Patria (keyboard, percussion), and Banu Satrio (drum); are as excited as ever before about having a wild adventure with Folk, Rock, Ambient, Sunshine & Baroque Pop—you name it, it’s there. And at the same time retaining consistency with their absurd English lyrics.

Manimal—the name came from an action-adventure 80s tv series—was recorded in their own studio, Movement. And during a whole year process the whole crew isolated themselves from the public, minimizing any distractions for a great record.

Stay connected with Marcel Thee and co. by visiting

Melepaskan Progresi Mental Secara Digital dan Gratis
Q: Are They Not Manimals? A: They Are Sajama Cut!


• Photo courtesy of Sajama Cut
• This article was originally published on The Beat Jakarta #25, October 2010

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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