Endank Soekamti: Semoga Kau di Neraka

Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniThe melodic punk outfit from Yogyakarta, Endank Soekamti, have just picked "Semoga Kau di Neraka" as their second single. Not only the is the title pretty in your face (it means "wish you were in hell"), but the circumstances as to why it was chosen are a little unusual. They conducted a poll on social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter, hoping to gauge which song was considered the best to be the second single. And viola... As the second single, "Semoga Kau di Neraka", has also made an impact on the ring back tone sales, featuring even higher than their first single, "Audisi". So far Endank Soekamti has released 4 full-length albums. The first one, Kelas 1, was released in 2002 with help from Pongky Jikustik and Tony traX. The second, Pejantan Tambun, in 2005, and third, SSSTTT!!, in 2007, were both released under Warner Music Indonesia. In 2008 at the same time they quit from Warner, they started their own online radio: Soekamti FM. In 2010 they joined the Nagaswara label and in May released their fourth album, soekamti.com. A few days ago they finally decided to use "Semoga Kau di Neraka" as their second single. Watch them live on Dec 19 in 1000 Bands concert in Cibubur. Or stay tune with what they are doing via http://soekamti.com

» English version please scroll down


Jangan terlalu tersentak terhenyak. Judul di atas sama sekali tak bermaksud buruk, mendoakan Anda agar kiamat mendekati Anda. Itu cuma sebuah judul lagu. Tepatnya single ke-2 oleh Endank Soekamti dari album terbarunya yang dirilis Mei 2010 silam, soekamti.com.

Yang unik dari tembang ini, selain tentu saja tajuknya yang nyeleneh dan tanpa tedeng aling-aling, juga skenario terpilihnya sebagai single kedua. Setelah menyodorkan “Audisi” sebagai single pertama, Erix, Ari & Dori Soekamti, menggunakan strategi agak kurang lazim dalam pemilihan karya yang mana yang layak dijadikan single ke berikutnya yaitu melalui polling. Jajak pendapat ini diselenggarakan melalui situs jejaring sosial macam Facebook dan Twitter. Sampai akhirnya kemudian terpilih “Semoga Kau di Neraka”. Dalam perjalanan polling ini ternyata berdampak sampingan baik: nada tunggunya terdongkrak naik serta menjadi favorit baru para Kamtis Family (sebutan untuk penggemar fanatik Endank Soekamti), bahkan melampaui “Audisi” segala!

Album soekamti.com sendiri merupakan album ke-4 dari grup asal Yogyakarta ini. Album perdananya, Kelas 1, dirilis pada 2003, dengan bantuan seniman muda tenar dari kotanya, Pongky Jikustik dan Tony traX. Selanjutnya, pada 2005, di kala mereka dijuluki “raja pensi”, label besar Warner Music Indonesia mengajak bergabung lalu menerbitkan Pejantan Tambun. 2 tahun berselang, 2007, masih bersama Warner, diluncurkanlah album ketiga, SSSTTT!!. Di era ini mereka sempat terpilih meduduki posisi adiluhung sebagai MTV Hot Seat. Namun, di tahun berikutnya, 2008, kelompok yang menamai band-nya terinsipirasi oleh nama guru sekolahnya dahulu ini kemudian memutuskan berpisah dengan Warner. Erix dkk merasa cukup kecewa dianaktirikan oleh pihak label yang saat itu kelewat menitikberatkan fokus pada musisi-musisi beraliran “melayu”. Di saat yang sama pula mereka membangun radio online sendiri: Soekamti FM.

Barulah pada 2010 Endank Soekamti memutuskan masuk ke orbit Nagaswara Sakti Music and Publishing. Dan pada bulan Mei muncul kembali ke hadapan publik via soekamti.com. Datang dan dengarkan sendiri “Semoga Kau di Neraka” dibawakan oleh Erix Ari Dori dalam konser “1000 Bands” di Cibubur pada 19 Desember. Pula klik http://soekamti.com untuk terus tahu apa aktivitas mereka.

English version

The melodic punk outfit from Yogyakarta, Endank Soekamti, have just picked “Semoga Kau di Neraka” as their second single. Not only the is the title pretty in your face (it means “wish you were in hell”), but the circumstances as to why it was chosen are a little unusual. They conducted a poll on social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter, hoping to gauge which song was considered the best to be the second single. And viola… As the second single, “Semoga Kau di Neraka”, has also made an impact on the ring back tone sales, featuring even higher than their first single, “Audisi”.

So far Endank Soekamti has released 4 full-length albums. The first one, Kelas 1, was released in 2002 with help from Pongky Jikustik and Tony traX. The second, Pejantan Tambun, in 2005, and third, SSSTTT!!, in 2007, were both released under Warner Music Indonesia. In 2008 at the same time they quit from Warner, they started their own online radio: Soekamti FM.

In 2010 they joined the Nagaswara label and in May released their fourth album, soekamti.com. A few days ago they finally decided to use “Semoga Kau di Neraka” as their second single. Watch them live on Dec 19 in 1000 Bands concert in Cibubur. Or stay tune with what they are doing via http://soekamti.com


*This article was originally published on The Beat (Jakarta) mag #28, December 2010

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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