

The prophet of bad music for bad people, Lux Interior, if he were alive, he'd be 76 today.
Suicidal Sinatra, the pioneer of pyschobilly in Indonesia, still alive and well. They just released a tight af, high-energy tune, the soundtrack for Kustomfest called “Psycho Loco”.
Tonite! Wednesday, October 20, 2010; 8-10 PMUpcoming R-n-R Exhibition: VEROLANDChop-N-Roll: My On-The-Go Playlist:: Introduction and playlist, written and handpicked by Vero Himself :: Saya sangat kaget ketika membaca email dari Mr. Dethu kemarin yang mengingatkan saya harus mengirim list lagu-lagu pilihan saya dalam dua hari. Memang beliau sudah meminta saya dari beberapa bulan lalu, tapi somehow ada saja kerjaan yang mengganggu ketika saya mau mulai memilih lagu dari iPod model primitif saya. Berikut adalah playlist dari on-the-go-2 dalam iPod saya yang layarnya penuh guratan dan bercak oli; sering dipasang di workshop saya, biasa terdengar di antara bunyi batu gerinda yang beradu dengan pipa baja, tumbukan palu yang menghajar plat aluminum setebal 2mm (lebay...). Keras? Belum tentu, seperti halnya workshop saya yang kadang super berisik tapi kadang sunyi, pilihan musik saya tidak terpatok pada satu genre. Yang penting bagi saya, kadang bisa memompa semangat, tapi kadang juga menurunkan emosi ketika salah satu tukang las salah potong pipa. ♬ ♪ Radio streaming live
This article---album reviews about Carla Bruni's Quelqu'un M'a Dit, Mad Sin's ...Sweet & Innocent? ...Loud & Dirty!, and The Tossers' Shadow of the Valley of the Death---were actually published in The Beat (Bali) mag way back in 2006. But I'm pretty sure they're still worth checking out. Oh, this version is the non-edited version, quite different version than what was published on The Beat mag. This, hell yeah, more in-your-face. More broken English...
Tonite! Wednesday, July 28, 2010; 8-10 PMUpcoming R-n-R Exhibition: ADE PUTRIBring Back the Memories!:: Introduction and playlist, written and handpicked by Ade herself :: Berikut ini adalah sederet lagu-lagu yang menyenangkan bagi saya pribadi, dan biasanya membangkitkan memori akan suatu masa yang sudah lampau. Sekitar setengah di antaranya adalah lagu-lagu yang seringkali diputar pada masa acara Monday Mayhem di Parc (Jakarta) sedang berjaya. Sisanya adalah lagu yang tanpa disengaja datang ke dalam hidup saya; dan lantas terpilih menjadi lagu wajib di ribuan pagi hari saya untuk memulai hari maupun malam hari untuk menemani saya menghabiskan bir dinginâ€"dengan atau tanpa teman. So, when I throw a party, most likely you’ll hear some of these;
Edition: May 26, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: STEVE GAMBOAInspirations/Mutations:: Playlist, notes, and a few photos, handpicked & written by Steve Himself :: This selection of tracks is a synoptic reflection of the music and bands that greatly influenced me as a youth playing in punk bands in Washington, DC from 1988 â€" 2000. Growing up in ‘The Chocolate City,’ a southern town with an incredible musical legacy the likes of Duke Ellington, Marvin Gaye, Go-Go and D.C. Hardcore, I was very fortunate to have been exposed to a diverse range of music from my peers in the D.C. scene where I was brought up with the understanding that being a punk rocker meant not only that you listened to punk rock, but were also open to listening to all underground music regardless of genre, an ideology that I still maintain today as an active DJ. While it’s impossible to list most of the songs that influenced me during this period that was the most formative phase of my life, this playlist gives you a brief but personal idea of the groups and individuals that impacted my musical direction, manifested my politics, determined my style and made it on the tour van mix tapes. Hope you can dig on it…


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