

29 years ago this month, Ice-T decided to remove "Cop Killer" from his heavy metal band debut album, Body Count.
Pasca 1,5 tahun digebuk pagebluk, panti asuhan yang selama ini saya turut bina, Jodie O’Shea House (JOS), makin susah bertahan, sebentar lagi gulung tikar jika tiada tindak penyelamatan. Usianya tinggal hitungan sedikit bulan. 68 anak tanggungan JOS bakal terlunta terlantar. Maka itu saya memberanikan diri untuk menggalang dana publik.
Mai Mabasa Bali (let's speak Balinese) is a program that I run at the moment & the goal is to attract young people's interest to embrace their roots, their mother tongue: Balinese language. The dream is that Balinese language will be actively used again as a means of daily communication, as the lingua franca. Or at least the Balinese language is no longer considered as an obsolete object, uncool, being left to rot. We'll release some new and exciting Balinese songs by Navicula, The Hydrant Bali, James Manja, Alien Child, and the Balinese music veteran: Widi Widiana.
L-R: Joey Santiago, Paz Lenchantin, David Lovering, Black Francis
No band has captured such unknowable glimpses of imagined worlds, all in three minute splinters of Lynchian Surrealism, Old Testament brutalism and glassy-eyed ruminations on extraterrestrial life. No one else has forced a mass of voices to howl along to lyrics about slicing up eyeballs, or the environmentalist dread of millions of pounds of sludge enveloping the oceans. No one has even come close. “There was a guy…”
Musik Menguatkan Kita. Slogan yang digaungkan oleh para tulang punggung Anugerah Musik Bali 2021 tanpa disadari, secara psikologis, telah meneguhkan itikad mereka untuk tetap melanjutkan acara bersejarah tersebut. Seberapapun beratnya. Apapun risikonya. Dan memang, walau dalam situasi pagebluk yang serba sulit, kendala moral pula material nan kolosal, pagelaran di tahun ketiga ini nyatanya bisa terselenggara baik, relatif sukses besar.


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