Jakarta 2013: International Who’s Who and Mega Concerts

Kala bicara statistik gemah ripah loh jinawi semisal pendapatan per kapita, dalam skala dunia, walau bukan yang terburuk, Indonesia tergolong negara merana.

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Sigur Rós

Kala bicara statistik gemah ripah loh jinawi semisal pendapatan per kapita, dalam skala dunia, walau bukan yang terburuk, Indonesia tergolong negara merana. Sementara itu dibanding metropolitan lain di Asia, Jakarta notabene kalah sejahtera dengan Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok dan Singapura atau Hongkong. Namun di perkara pertunjukan musik hidup alias konser—khususnya pop dan rock—ibukota kepulauan Nusantara nan tercinta jelas jauh lebih gempita. Sejak beberapa tahun belakangan Jakarta konstan saling sikut dengan Singapura dan Hongkong dalam memperebutkan peringkat kedua (di bawah Tokyo) siapa paling digdaya. Sebagian bahkan berkeyakinan bahwa seandainya saja Indonesia setara gemah ripahnya dengan kedua tetangganya tersebut bukan tak mungkin Jakarta bisa 11-12, sejajar, dengan Tokyo. Bagaimana tidak, dengan kondisi ekonomi Indonesia yang sedemikian morat-marit saja Jakarta tetap bergelimang konser serta hampir semuanya dibanjiri penonton. Sepertinya baik artis solo maupun kelompok musisi manca negara yang tampil di ibukota ultra tercengang dengan reaksi sungguh bergemuruh dari audiens. Rata-rata dari mereka berekspektasi rendah, sambutan penonton bakal minim: yang datang hanya sedikit, yang bergoyang cuma segelintir, yang sing-a-long nyaris nihil. Negara macam Indonesia yang aktivitas keagamaannya kuat, negeri dengan jumlah penganut Islam termasif sejagat, secara logika pendek, hampir mustahil bisa mengapresiasi budaya Barat yang identik dengan, katakanlah, liberal, degradasi moral, dekat dengan hal-hal bengal lagi binal, pekat bau dajjal. Namun faktanya kerap sangat berbeda: yang datang membludak, bergoyang kesetanan, serempak dengan fasih turut menyanyi hingga titik darah penghabisan. Tawakal menjalankan perintah agama ternyata bisa simultan berjalan dengan keikhlasan mempraktekkan pop culture. Ha.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y7HeSeJpBg’]
Guns N’ Roses live in Jakarta – played Indonesian national anthem “Indonesia Raya” + “Don’t Cry”

Pun jika menilik mutu artis yang bertandang ke Jakarta kian hari kian membaik. Tak seperti di masa lalu, band yang tampil di ibukota didominasi oleh mereka-mereka yang dalam skala global ketenarannya sudah Senin-Kemis, sejak beberapa tahun belakangan kualitasnya makin menggembirakan. Di tahun 2012 yang baru saja berlalu, hampir tiap bulan Jakarta disuguhi artis papan atas. Tak kurang dari Guns N’ Roses (tampil pada bulan Desember), Sting (cuma selisih sehari dengan GNR), Jennifer Lopez (November), Maroon 5 dan David Guetta (October), Keane dan Scissor Sisters (September), The Cardigans (Agustus), David Cook (Juli), Jason Mraz serta New Kids On The Block + Backstreet Boys (Juni), Morrissey (Mei), Yes (April), Anthrax (Maret), Evanescence (Februari), pula Katy Perry, Rod Stewart dan Dream Theater (Januari). Ini belum termasuk grup-grup musik yang dalam pandangan umum kurang dikenal tapi jika menggunakan parameter khusus (baca: bawah tanah/alternatif) tergolong kelas wahid semisal GBH, Sepultura, MxPx, Justice, dsb. Dan bisa dibilang nyaris seluruh konser tersebut mendulang sukses besar. Bukan sekadar penuh sesak oleh pengunjung, namun juga, seperti yang telah disebut di atas, memperoleh tanggapan luar biasa antusias, semua berdendang, semua bergoyang.


Bagaimana dengan 2013? Optimisme bahwa nyala konser akan kian berkobar sudah tampak bahkan sejak pekan kedua di awal tahun: Weezer tampil di Lapangan D Senayan. Tak cuma respons penonton yang amat menggembirakan tapi sebaliknya juga Rivers Cuomo dkk berkomentar nan membesarkan hati via akun Twitter-nya: “…was last night’s epic show a dream? No, it was real. Big ups to the amazing fans of Indonesia!
Ian Brown of The Stone Roses
Joss Stone

Berikut daftar para artis mancanegara papan atas yang telah memastikan diri tampil:
1 Februari – Yeah Yeah Yeahs (Love Garage 2013)
23 Februari – The Stone Roses
1 Maret – Joss Stone, Lisa Stansfield, Bob James, Spyro Gyra, Basia (Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2013)
8 Maret – Sick Of It All
10 Maret – Adam Lambert
16 Maret – Grimes
20 Maret – Bloc Party
28 April – Nile
10 Mei – Sigur Rós
4 Juli – Java Rockin’Land (nama-nama penampil utama belum didistribusikan ke publik namun biasanya tidak mengecewakan)
20 September – Java Soulnation (nama-nama penampil utama masih digodok, namun mereka adalah juga penyelenggara Java Rockin’Land, kualitas artis luar negeri yang didatangkan umumnya brilian).


Now put your hands in the air and wave ’em like you just don’t care!
Bloc Party

English version

Indonesia may not be the poorest country in the world, but it isn’t exactly the wealthiest of countries either. The country’s capital Jakarta, renowned for its pulsating political activism and for being under with regard to the fragile state of the economy and the low standard of nation’s health, is more often than not gossiped about for its infamous traffic jams. Seriously, ride your bike or catch a bemo already, because what should be causing a stir is the music scene. On par with Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong, Jakarta’s music scene is clearly one of the richest in Asia.

It wasn’t so long ago that the best big name International artists those in the Big Durian could hope to host would have been some second or third rate act, with the addition of a few desperate has-beens passing through on the off chance that they may be able to jack up their album sales or salvage their reputation.

Things have changed. With each year that has passed Jakarta by, bigger and better names have been appearing across the capital’s billboards. And last year, a month didn’t pass without Jakarta having hosted a massive artist; Guns N’ Roses and Sting (December), Jeniffer Lopez (November), Maroon 5 (October), Keane (September), The Cardigans (August), David Cook (July), Jason Mraz and NKOTB+BSB (June), Morrissey (May), Yes (April), Anthrax (March), Evanescence (February), and Katy Perry & Rod Stewart (January). The even better news is that each and everyone of those concerts were bursting at the seams with punters—so everyone is clearly happy with the scene these days.

For 2013, the musical optimism is set to continue. Weezer already showed up in the second week of January and played a hugely successful show. So amazed were they by their Jakarta audience that they couldn’t help but morning after tweet: “…was last night’s epic show a dream? No, it was real. Big ups to the amazing fans of Indonesia!”

Get ready for more big name artist action. Confirmed to play Jakarta in the coming months are; Yeah Yeah Yeahs (February 1st, during Love Garage 2013), The Stone Roses (February 23rd), Joss Stone, Lisa Stansfield, Bob James, Spyro Gyra, and Basia (March 1st, during Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2013), Sick Of It All (March 8th), Adam Lambert (March 10th), Grimes (March 16th), Bloc Party (March 20th), Nile (April 28th), Sigur Rós (May 10th), Java Rockin’Land (July 4th, artists names are yet to be publicly confirmed but the organizer knows their stuff and is likely to be bringing in the who’s who of famous acts), Java Soulnation (September 20th, same organiser as Java Rockin’Land, similar modus operandi), and so on.

Now put your hands in the air and wave ’em like you just don’t care!

*This article was firstly published—a slightly different version—on The Beat (Jakarta) #80, Jan 21 – Feb 03, 2013
*Co-editor: Lauren Shipman
*Guns N’ Roses video owned by Nelwin Adriansyah
*Photos: Sigur Rós – front page taken from montreuxjazzlive.com, this page taken from beatsperminute.com; Ian Brown of The Stone Roses taken from poonehghana.com, Joss Stone taken from thewallpapers.org, Bloc Party taken from bloc-party.com
*Info re Yeah Yeah Yeahs contributed by Taufiq Rahman, info re Grimes contributed by Daud Sihombing

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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