Edition: November 09, 2011Rock-n-Roll-Exhibition: MISTY DIANBasslines and Vibes:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and photos, handpicked and written by Misty herself :: This playlist is a tribute to people from my old suburban neighborhood, the kind of neighborhood in which the Top 40 music reigned and where I thought the boot-legged albums of Prince were the ultimate score until the people I now call my friends made me listen to their Walkman or borrowed me their tapes. These friends, my homeys, took me to out of the suburbs and brought me to the city's obscure churches that turned into dope bass pumping B-Boy Extravaganzas, followed by Bassline parties and numerous accounts of impromptu events and performances. They introduced me to sounds that inexplicably made sense to my head and body. There were these sick beats that made people act like a cursing hustler swinging his gats or a spliff smoking brother admiring the booty and whatever person in between those two. And the rhymes, the brilliant rhymes, made people bob their heads all the way through, in whatever act they're at. I was totally sold, wrapped and I never returned. I cherish my Top 40 music because it landmarks certain episodes of the past. But the music on this list is more than just a categorical device. It's not just an important reminder of the good days of way back then, but it's also my important ingredient for having a good time, period. This list is a timeless device and I have my homeys to thank for that. What I'm trying to capture in this list is the great time we had in discovering one sick beat after another. Like most playlists, it is that trip down memory lane, it is that mini autobiography, and it is the place of giving credit where credit is due. This list isn't coming from an expert and you won't find any rare or unknown artist in it, but you'll hopefully feel the gratefulness I have for the experts who allowed me to have a taste of their expertise in discovering all these amazing beats. I'm bowing down, oh great ones, and I'm forever thirsty and hungry for more of your discoveries. ...Deeply grateful to Rudolf for having me in this exhibition! Radio streaming live: http://army.wavestreamer.com:6356/listen.pls
Edition: October 19, 2011Rock-n-Roll-Exhibition: WENING GITOMARTOYOBest Days:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and photos, handpicked and written by Wening herself :: HALO, KAWAN Pertama-tama, terima kasih untuk yang tersohor Rudolf Dethu atas undangannya untuk membuat pameran musik ini. Saya kerap merasa gugup saat membuat playlist atau mixtape/CD, karena pasti saya akan berlaku ceroboh alias ada saja yang terselip atau malah menyertakan lagu yang nantinya saya sesali. Berhubung saya sudah jarang membuat mixtape/CD untuk kawan-kawan, ini saya buat untuk (ceritanya) kawan baru alias sebagai sarana berkenalan sekaligus untuk kawan lama. Kurang lebih inilah lagu-lagu dalam keseharian saya, yang membuat saya menangis, terkagum-kagum, sampai bergoyang halus di balik meja kantor. Ada beberapa nama kegemaran yang tak tercantum, seperti Cocteau Twins atau David Gates, tapi tak menyebutkan bukan berarti tak mencintai (walau bukan lantas berarti saya suka Nicki Minaj). Semoga menikmati. Radio streaming live: http://army.wavestreamer.com:6356/listen.pls
Edition: September 14, 2011Rock-n-Roll-Exhibition: RIO FARABI My Evergreen:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and photos, handpicked and written by Rio Himself :: Yak, inilah 32 lagu "Evergreen" versi saya. Sebenernya saya juga masih bingung apa arti pasti dari lagu Evergreen. Sebenernya faktor apa yang membuat lagu layak disebut lagu Evergreen? Kalau dilihat dari kata-katanya, Evergreen berarti selalu hijau. Mungkin maksudnya adalah lagu-lagu yang ga bakal pudar, selalu hijau di hati atau ringkasnya adalah lagu yang abadi. And most of them came from pop/ballad genre, genre yang memang mudah diterima oleh kebanyakan orang. Karena saking populernya, maka lagu ini "wajib" masuk kedalam album kompilasi lagu-lagu Evergreen versi record label tertentu. Evergreen mungkin juga berarti lagu ini bakal tetep laku di tahun-tahun mendatang, apalagi kalo penyanyi aslinya udah meninggal, maka penyanyi baru yang menyanyikan lagu itu hampir dipastikan akan melejit juga. Sepertinya kata Evergreen ini mulai ada di tahun 70an akhir. Begitulah kira-kira analisa dangkal saya soal Evergreen ini. Tapi faktor-faktor tersebut ga berlaku buat playlist Evergreen saya. Lagu-lagu Evergreen versi saya ini lebih personal, punya memori spesial karena berkaitan erat dengan kejadian-kejadian "penting" dalam hidup saya, soundtrack dari berbagai fragmen hidup saya, lagu-lagu yang menemani saya tumbuh besar, ataupun lagu yang memiliki nilai estetis sedikit lebih banyak dibanding lagu-lagu lainnya di kuping saya. Dan pasti lagu-lagu ini bakal tetep hijau dihati, tetep enak didengerin kapan pun. Tetep abadi walaupun ratusan single terbaru dari puluhan bahkan ratusan band muncul. Terima kasih buat Brocuk Rudolf Dethu yang mengundang saya untuk berpameran di The Block Rockin' Beats ini. Sebuah kehormatan untuk bisa "berbagi" di blog yang super keren ini. Okeh, inilah playlist saya. Selamat menikmati dan bersulang! ♫ Radio streaming live 8-10 PM (Bali time) http://army.wavestreamer.com:6356/listen.pls
Edition: September 07, 2011Rock-n-Roll-Exhibition: KARTIKA JAHJAPMS - Pre Meanstrual Soundtracks:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and photos, handpicked and written by Tika Herself :: It's that time of the month and my sneaky hormones have came out to party. Armed with a rusty shopping cart, they tie me down inside it and push it down a hill. Not knowing what I'm gonna hit, I just embrace all the amplified feelings that came and went on my ride down. From "Fuck you assholes!" to "Fuck me, baby." From "Leave me alone," to "I'm so lonely." From "I'm a bad ass bitch," to "I'm a fat ass bitch." From "Please make this stop" to the comforting whisper saying "this too shall pass". So just like my mood during PMS, this soundtrack swings from genre to genre, theme to theme, and era to era. You can't judge a woman by her PMS behavior, just as you can't to judge my taste in music from this playlist. Stop thinking, curl up in your bed and enjoy the songs ♫ Radio streaming live 8-10 PM (Bali time) http://army.wavestreamer.com:6356/listen.pls
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the 18th edition I went upclose-and-personal with Rio Helmi.
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the 12th edition I went upclose-and-personal with Bongky Marcel.
Tonite! March 16, 2011Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: CHE CUPUMANIKInkubator Rock Kotor:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and (some) photos, written and handpicked by Che Himself :: Playlist yang saya susun ini, bukan tipe lagu yang sengaja saya telusuri, karena lagu ini ada di zaman saya, dia datang melalui rekomendasi kawan atau dari terpaan media. Dulu dan kini, mereka menjadi teman akrab, penanda perjalanan hidup dan tapak-tapak jejak langkah. Lagu-lagu ini meski berasal dari tahun 90-an, mereka masih ada dalam daftar lagu yang sengit diputar saat ini, mereka masih terdengar modern. Dan bisa dipastikan, mereka membentuk selera dan cita rasa musikal saya. Bercak ekspresinya mungkin berantakan ada di dalam musikalitas yang saya bikin, disadari atau tidak. ♫ Radio streaming live http://army.wavestreamer.com:6356/listen.pls
Tonite! March 09, 2011!Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: WAHYU NUGROHO aka ACUMThe 70's Soft-Folk-Rockin-Tongkrongan Beats:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and (a few) photos, written and handpicked by Acum Himself :: Era 70-an: Berambut gondong, brewok, celana cut bray, memakai kaus band-band kesayangan. Aktivitas: Pergi ke konser, hang out di halaman belakang rumah, membakar jagung bakar, minum bir murahan, ditemani teman-teman, dihiasi gitar bolong dan menyanyi lagu-lagu favorit. Atau hanya sekedar nongkrong sendirian di atas balkon atau teras depan rumah... Berikut 33 lagu-gitar 70-an favorit saya...
Edition: Wednesday, February 16, 2011Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: TAUFIQ RAHMANIn Defense of Underdog:: Playlist, photos, intro, and song descriptions, handpicked and written by Taufiq himself :: I have never become a number one. And it is easy to see myself as a member of some kind of underdog club, people who just muddle through in life without any aspiration to be bigger than what they are, a state of mind that allows me to live with only little amount of pressure. Enough about myself! My championing of underachiever makes it easy to connect with bands who throughout their existence never achieve even a modicum of success---who never had a number one hit at the Billboard Chart or MTV videos. I hate to use this word, but these are some of the most "underrated" bands, who without the pressure of having to achieve success, could produce lasting work of art. These are music from bands that are spoken in hushed tones and knowing wink from people who are willing to look away from the screen, pages of Rolling Stone or the syndicated FM dial. Having said that, pardon my deliberate omission of The Beatles, The Who, The Rolling Stones, Metallica or even The Strokes. Everybody else has put them on almost any list, so why bother?


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