One Million Facebook Fans Can’t Be Wrong

Indonesian version please click hereA few weeks ago, the biggest punk rock band in Indonesia, Superman Is Dead, reached a significant record: One million fans on Facebook. This phenomenon is considered even more impressive due to the lack of SID's appearances on television, proving that plenty of block-rockin' concerts and a little word of mouth is all it takes for succes on this scale. JRX, the drummer and spokesman for the band stated that their interaction with outSIDers/Lady Rose (their special name for the fans) is not always about the music or promoting their current activities. Sometimes discussing humanities and ecology---in a few case the discussion can get very heated. "But that's the beauty of it," he added. According to JRX, Bobby Kool (vocal, guitar), and Eka Rock (bass, backing vocal) the Facebook succes only goes to show that television is not everything, and that you don't need to move to Jakarta (a.k.a. the centre of Indonesia's entertainment industry) to find stardom. There's no such thing as "Jakartacentric". And their intense and caring relationship with fans on Facebook has proven their theory. Stay connected with Superman Is Dead by checking out their website: or search them on Facebook, of course.

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SID - Army of a Million

Jujur, dulu kami tidak pernah membayangkan dunia maya (khususnya Facebook) akan menjadi ranah perang SID. Tapi seiring evolusi kultur dan peradaban, tampaknya kami memang tidak bisa memandang remeh fenomena ini. Dan sejak dua tahun terakhir kami pun memutuskan untuk sebisa mungkin me-maintain keberadaan kami di ranah maya. Hasilnya pun cukup signifikan dan banyak sekali benefit yang didapat. Terutama dalam proses pembelajaran dan penyampaian informasi

Demikian JRX, punk rock prince charming, fungsionaris beduk Inggris Superman Is Dead, sumringah mengawali mukadimah tentang prestasi luar biasa yang diraih grup musiknya. Wajib diketahui oleh publik bahwa trio asal Bali ini jumlah penggemarnya di situs jejaring sosial baru saja Oktober lalu mencapai sejuta orang. Fenomena sedemikian rupa oh-sungguh pantas disebut menakjubkan sebab JRX, Bobby Kool (biduan, gitar), dan Eka Rock (bas, vokal latar), terbilang jarang muncul di riuh rendah acara musik pagi-pagi di tivi, lebih rajin beraksi di panggung-panggung yang relatif sepi kamera televisi. Padahal dominan penggiat dunia hiburan terlanjur percaya dengan anggapan bahwa semakin sering hadir di tivi—apalagi bagi band yang berdomisili jauh dari Jakarta yang notabene adalah sentra dunia hiburan Nusantara—maka semakin lebar peluang meraih bintang dan menjadi tenar. Kongregasi musisi yang sudah berdiri sejak 1995 di Denpasar ini sukses membuktikan bahwa teori tersebut tak sepenuhnya sahih. Tanpa rutin memperlihatkan diri di televisi pun tetap saja mungkin menjadi populer—bahkan menggaet simpati sejuta fans di Facebook. Bukan, “Jakartasentris” bukan harga mati.

Kami bukan tipe band yang selalu sibuk membicarakan diri sendiri, terkadang wacana yang kami angkat memang di luar konteks musik (HAM, fanatisme, lingkungan, dll) dan ini kadang memancing kontroversi. Dan di sini kami (atau siapa pun yang bergabung di FB kami) bisa banyak belajar. Yang tidak tahu menjadi tahu. Perdebatan panas juga tak jarang meletus di sini. And that’s the beauty of it. FB SID tidak sekedar menjadi alat promosi band tapi juga menjadi media pembelajaran untuk siapa saja, termasuk untuk personil SID sendiri

Begitu lanjut JRX bak hendak meyakinkan khalayak bahwa promo bertendensi eksibisionis—istilah anak muda sekarang: Narsis—yang masih melimpah diterapkan oleh selebritas dalam negeri terbilang strategi usang. Justru lewat diskusi “panas” yang (seolah) non-kontekstual impresi yang muncul dari publik, aneh/lucu/menariknya, berujung positif. Intensitas SID membahas isu humaniora serta ekologi berbalik menjadi magnet nan magis. Tumbuhkembang outSIDers/Lady Rose (sebutan spesial bagi pencinta SID) yang duh-sungguh agresif malah merupakan akibat dari debat eksplosif perihal ingkar-musikal. Bisa jadi para anak muda tersebut terkesan amat dalam bahwa personel SID, selain cool secara tampak luar, peduli pada kejadian mutakhir di sekitar—efektif menerbitkan kesan cendikia di mata penggemar. Conscious punk rockers, yes sir.

Simak terus manuver pintar-berbahaya berikutnya dari Superman Is Dead di situs mereka: atau buru berita terbarunya via Facebook.

SID - One Million Fans
Photo: UPN Band Veteran
English version

A few weeks ago, the biggest punk rock band in Indonesia, Superman Is Dead, reached a significant record: One million fans on Facebook. This phenomenon is considered even more impressive due to the lack of SID’s appearances on television, proving that plenty of block-rockin’ concerts and a little word of mouth is all it takes for succes on this scale.

JRX, the drummer and spokesman for the band stated that their interaction with outSIDers/Lady Rose (their special name for the fans) is not always about the music or promoting their current activities. Sometimes discussing humanities and ecology—in a few case the discussion can get very heated. “But that’s the beauty of it,” he added.

According to JRX, Bobby Kool (vocal, guitar), and Eka Rock (bass, backing vocal) the Facebook succes only goes to show that television is not everything, and that you don’t need to move to Jakarta (a.k.a. the centre of Indonesia’s entertainment industry) to find stardom. There’s no such thing as “Jakartacentric”. And their intense and caring relationship with fans on Facebook has proven their theory.

Stay connected with Superman Is Dead by checking out their website: or search them on Facebook, of course.

Superman Is Dead: Anarchy for the Nation
1997-2009: The Early Years, Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Superman Is Dead: Semangat Pantang Mundur & Seni Mengelola Ego
Superman Is Dead: The Vinyl Frontier
Superman Is Dead ~ Black Market Love
Superman Is Dead ~ The Hangover Decade


• This article was originally published on The Beat Jakarta #26, November 2010

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


Butuh waktu hingga 3 tahun bagi Aray Daulay merampungkan album terbarunya, Lagu Perjalanan. Namun rentang nan panjang itu tidak sia-sia, malah memuaskan. Karena jitu menggambarkan sosok Aray sebagai musisi veteran, melewati bermacam fase dan tren, kenyang asam garam belantika musik Indonesia.
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