DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the seventh edition I went upclose-and-personal with Henry Foundation.
Edition: March 17, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: ARIBOWO SANGKOYONyanyikanlah Hidup Kita!:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and (most) photos, written and handpicked by Ribosa Himself :: Saya bersaksi bahwa tiada hidup selain musik dan saya bersaksi bahwa lagu-lagu berikut adalah penyelamat kewarasan saya. Semoga kita dikembalikan ke distorsi yang 'benar' dan terbebas dari godaan pasar yang terkutuk. Amin.
Edition: September 01, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: MARZUKI MOHAMMADAnimisme Progresif:: Introduction and playlist, written and handpicked by Zuki Himself :: Aku lahir di Prambanan, daerah di mana hingga sekarang banyak terdapat candi-candi Hindu dan Budha. Ironis, karena eksistensi candi-candi itu tidak didukung oleh komunitas religius, kecuali di hari raya agama-agama tersebut. Aku juga sadar bahwa candi itu dibangun tak jauh dari abad di mana Nabi Mohammad hanya bisa memugar Ka'bah di Mekkah dalam teknik arsitektur yang paling sederhana, dan sekarang menjadi kiblat sembahyang mayoritas penduduk Indonesia. Jika melihat aku saat ini, potret ironi tentang tempat dimana aku lahir tersebut juga tergambar jelas; sebagai anak seorang ustadz, ketua Muhammadiyah di daerah tersebut, juga pendiri pesantren setempat, sejak kecil dididik sebagi muslim. Bapak dari Hidayat Nur Wahid, mantan presiden PKS itu, selalu menjadi wakil bapakku, maka tidak heran jika sekarang dua kakakku adalah DPR PKS, maka jangan heran nama aseliku Marzuki Mohammad. Dengan background semacam itu tentu waktu kecil aku mendegar lagu-lagu nasid dan musik-musik bernuansa Islami, untungnya juga mendengar gamelan dan menikmati kesenian-kesenian tradisional di daerah setempat. Jika kemudian aku menjadi seperti sekarang, tentu ada masa di mana aku menghabiskan banyak energi dan waktu yang sangat panjang untuk bernegosiasi dan berkompromi dengan keluargaku tentang jalan hidup yang aku pilih dan percaya. Aku memulai petualangan musikal secara serius baru ketika SMA. Tapi juga banyak sekali yang akan terlewat jika aku membuat playlist untuk mempresentasikan petualangan tersebut, karena aku selalu berusaha mendengar dan menikmati genre musik apa pun, juga karena saat ini semua idola bagiku sudah mati; itu kenapa aku punya alias Kill the DJ---if DJ is a God, I've killed lots of Gods! Juga lumayan susah mengingat-ingat karena koleksi record-ku pernah hilang ketika rumahku kerampokan waktu aku tinggal di Paris.
Tonite! Wednesday, September 08, 2010; 8-10 PMWham! Bang! You're Dead, Man!Today is the 1st anniversary of BlokRokinBeats. Each and every person who participated/doing exhibition before, was asked to pick one song with special theme: a track that they would use for their funeral, soundtrack of their last-kiss goodbye, song to overdose to, farewell-and-wish-you-well (or hell), a solid calibre of "danse macabre".
Edition: August 18, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: ODDIE GETAHOddrockinbeats:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, written and handpicked by Oddie Himself :: This is not one of those "to die for", "can't live without" or "the ultimate" playlists. These are the songs to make love to (or fix your bike to---whatever).
Edition: August 11, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: SIMON GRIGGExtended Play:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and some of the photos, written and handpicked by Simon Himself :: As a kid growing up in suburban Auckland in the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s good music was very hard to find. The commercial radio was awful, dominated by mainstream pap with a couple of hours of harder edged rock’n’roll late at night. Then came pirate radio and the underground and it opened a whole new world of adventure to me. Radio didn’t have to be pap. I starting hunting out the sounds I was hearing on my radio under the blankets late at night when I was supposed to be asleep, most especially the bands that were making the sorts of raw garage rock’n’roll in my hometown. By age 16 I was sneaking out and was a regular, under-aged, fixture at the various clubs and bars where bands, most of whom were never recorded, played. It was a short step from there to the forming my own band and then my own label. It set me on a journey I’m still enjoying. I’ve always liked to be challenged by music and almost everything here pushed the boundaries of contemporary music at the time they were released. And they are tunes…every last one of them.
Edition: August 04, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: SAMMY BRAMANTYORude Awakening of the Sultans of Satan with the Ace of Spades:: Introduction and playlist, written and handpicked by Sammy Himself :: Terima kasih sebelumnya kepada kakak saya yang sudah memperkenalkan musik-musik ‘setan’ seperti ini di masa kecil saya, dan juga mengajarkan bagaimana memainkan lagu Metallica One waktu pertama kali saya belajar bermain gitar kelas 5 SD. Tanpa musik seperti ini mungkin sekarang saya sudah menjadi pengurus Rohis atau kader PKS. Bertahun-tahun mendengarkan, mengkoleksi, dan memainkan lagu-lagu non mainstream, dan sekaligus bertahun-tahun itu juga bekerja di stasiun radio mainstream membuat lagu-lagu di playlist berikut ini mungkin akan terdengar cukup random. Catchy, memorable, sing-alongs, originality, and attitude. Itu menjadi poin-poin pemilihan saya malam ini. Saya tidak ingin menggempur pendengar dengan lagu-lagu keras tanpa ampun. Seperti kata Mille Petrozza dari Kreator pada sebuah wawancara, “Saya tidak selalu mendengarkan musik metal. Apabila melakukannya, mungkin sekarang saya sudah gila!”. Tapi buat saya apabila berawal dari metal, berakhir dengan metal. Enjoy!
Edition: June 02, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: EKA ANNASHPast, Present, Heron & Morphine:: Playlist, notes and (a few) photos, written and handpicked by Eka Himself :: Some of these tracks are obvious classic. But I'm going to try to include a few obscures that I thought was brilliant and didn't have the chance to be explored by (or exposed to) the mass at the time of its release. But then again, maybe it didn't have to. It only belongs to those whom had intimate relation with (and appreciation to) these songs, that makes them extremely vital and relevant from the first place. These songs connect with me in a special way. It has relation to momentum, mental state and memories that happened during the stretch of my childhood, puberty and adulthood. It helped shaping me into a better human being that I am today. Enjoy!
Edition: May 26, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: STEVE GAMBOAInspirations/Mutations:: Playlist, notes, and a few photos, handpicked & written by Steve Himself :: This selection of tracks is a synoptic reflection of the music and bands that greatly influenced me as a youth playing in punk bands in Washington, DC from 1988 â€" 2000. Growing up in ‘The Chocolate City,’ a southern town with an incredible musical legacy the likes of Duke Ellington, Marvin Gaye, Go-Go and D.C. Hardcore, I was very fortunate to have been exposed to a diverse range of music from my peers in the D.C. scene where I was brought up with the understanding that being a punk rocker meant not only that you listened to punk rock, but were also open to listening to all underground music regardless of genre, an ideology that I still maintain today as an active DJ. While it’s impossible to list most of the songs that influenced me during this period that was the most formative phase of my life, this playlist gives you a brief but personal idea of the groups and individuals that impacted my musical direction, manifested my politics, determined my style and made it on the tour van mix tapes. Hope you can dig on it…
Upcoming Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: EKA ANNASHPast, Present, Heron & Morphine:: Playlist & notes, handpicked & written by Eka Himself :: Some of these tracks are obvious classic. But I'm going to try to include a few obscures that I thought was brilliant and didn't had the chance to be explored by (or exposed to) the mass at the time of its release. But then again, maybe it didn't have to. It only belongs to those whom had intimate relation with (and appreciation to) these songs, that makes them extremely vital and relevant from the first place. These songs connect with me in a special way. It has relation to momentum, mental state and memories that happened during the stretch of my childhood, puberty and adulthood. It helped shaping me into a better human being that I am today. Enjoy!
Artikel yang saya tulis dan mengulas tentang album kompilasi MOSHPIT MAVERICKS ~ Celebrating 1 Year+ A Rock Society ini sejatinya adalah artikel lawas, dirilis pertama kali di sebuah September 2007. Tulisan ini saya pikir penting untuk ditayangkan kembali 3 tahun setelahnya, sebab dari sini bisa pula disimak progresi skena musik---tepatnya musik Rock---Bali. A Rock Society sendiri merupakan program pertunjukan musik hidup bulanan bertempat di The Wave yang konsepnya dibikin serta dieksekusi oleh Windu dengan The Blado (permufakatan kerja seni---meliputi event organizer, label rekaman independen, dsb---antara Igo dan saya) serta disponsori oleh A Mild Live Production.
Upcoming Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: S. GAMBOA a.k.a. STEVIE G.Inspirations/Mutations:: Playlist, notes, & photos, handpicked & written by Stevie Himself ::This selection of tracks is a synoptic reflection of the music and bands that greatly influenced me as a youth playing in punk bands in Washington, DC from 1988 - 2000. Growing up in ‘The Chocolate City,’ a southern town with an incredible musical legacy the likes of Duke Ellington, Marvin Gaye, Go-Go and D.C. Hardcore, I was very fortunate to have been exposed to a diverse range of music from my peers in the D.C. scene where I was brought up with the understanding that being a punk rocker meant not only that you listened to punk rock, but were also open to listening to all underground music regardless of genre, an ideology that I still maintain today as an active DJ. While it’s impossible to list most of the songs that influenced me during this period that was the most formative phase of my life, this playlist gives you a brief but personal idea of the groups and individuals that impacted my musical direction, manifested my politics, determined my style and made it on the tour van mix tapes. Hope you can dig on it...


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