・Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniThe frontman of loud, noisy, anarchistic band Teenage Death Star, Sir Dandy Harrington, has made another brave move, publishing a solo album called Lesson # 1. What makes this so brave is the fact that Sir Dandy has known to play guitar for only three years. Sir Dandy has said that the creation of the album, which was released through Organic Records and produced by Widi Puradiredja, was like passing a national exam after three years of study. Offering "Jakarta Motor City" as his first formal single, on the heels of the free-for-download "Juara Dunia", all the compositions on Lesson #1 are folk-based. The lyrics are blunt, spontaneous, in-your-face, funny, urban, simple, light, and a bit nihilistic. Sir Dandy is not worried about his singing. He says that even his voice is sometimes discordant, at least he's brutally honest and original. For further online info about Sir Dandy go check www.theone-management.com
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb’s Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it’s an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia’s public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the 22nd edition I went upclose-and-personal with Vicky Shu.
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb’s Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it’s an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia’s public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the 21st edition I went upclose-and-personal with Abimana.
• Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniWith too much monkey business in their heads, Superglad released their fifth album, Cinta dan Nafsu. Over eleven songs, this Jakartan quartet follow the path of their overflowing libidos. The lyrics of songs like " Enny Arrow", "Mas Tur dan Mba Sri", "Sofa Merah Percintaan", are pure testoterone-drive rock. After the group released a free-download teaser single "Rajah Sayap Malaikat" in May, anticipation was high for the album, which was formally brought out on June 25, 2011. The first 1000 copies sold out during their solo concert on the first day of release. The new composition from the band, founded in 2003, sees them changing paths from pop-punk to a more metal sound. According to Giox, the bass player, they looked to the Misfits, Bad Religion and Smoking Popes as musical guides on this one. The group refuses to follow what the market wants, focusing instead on what's important to them: freedom, more speed, and more sex.
Born and bred in Kuta, this thirtysomething artist is apparently one of the hottest dudes in social media---he has more than a hundred thousand followers on Twitter. Not to mention his band (he's the drummer), "Superman Is Dead", who have almost two and a half million fans on Facebook (!). Ari Astina a.k.a. JRX (read: Jerinx), also has a side project, a band called "Devil Dice". They just released their debut (major-label) album, titled Army of the Black Rose. The recent rocket-speed rise in his personal popularity is believed to be due to the fact that not only does he have a pivotal role in two ultra cool bands, but also a very colorful personality: smiley, smart (he was one of the first community leaders in Bali to take up the environmental cause), yet badass. These days you can surely spot his profile regularly in national media, including TV.
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb’s Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it’s an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia’s public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the 20th edition I went upclose-and-personal with Zeke Khaseli.
• Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniDevildice, a group of musicians from Bali masterminded by JRX, the drummer of Superman Is Dead, have come back with their second album. While the first album, In the Arms of the Angels (2004), was self-produced, this latest one, Army of the Black Rose (June 2011), was put together through Sony Music Indonesia. Over 11 songs, JRX, the main song writer, talks mostly about nihilism, life and love, pain and rain. They also invite some guest stars to participate. Sari Nymphea performs a duet with JRX on the Johnny Cash-June Carter inspired song, "Diamonds are Forever", backed up by Leo and Kappe Sinatra on guitar and contrabass. Hendra Fish (Telephone) also plays guitar on "Palace of My Own Disgrace". Familiarize yourself with this rock-n-roll punk quintet by checking them out first on their MySpace and Facebook page. Dig their old gangster movie and kustom kulture image and go ahead and buy the album!
Mari maju terus. Selangkah demi selangkah, tegap lagi gagah. Setelah fans club Sejawat Kiamat terbentuk dan terawat dengan cermat lalu apa? Turun gunung, dong. Ya, angkat pantatmu dari kursi empuk itu. Matikan pc/laptop/Blackberry/perangkat elektronik lainnya. Jangan terlena keenakan Facebook-an dan nge-tweet saja. Memang sih kamu sudah lebih dominan menggunakan situs jejaring sosial untuk promo band kamu, tidak lagi kelewat sibuk narsis meng-update peristiwa-peristiwa gak penting dalam hidupmu, tapi tetap saja kontak fisik itu vital adanya. Komunikasi nyata, bukan dunia maya, masih memegang peran sungguh penting di dalam kehidupan. Kedudukannya belum tergantikan oleh hubungan sosial di jagat virtual.
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb’s Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it’s an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia’s public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the 16th edition I went upclose-and-personal with Heru Wahyono.
Menyapa. Membuka pintu. Menggiring masuk. Mempersilakan duduk. Membikinkan minuman---atau menyuguhkan makanan. Membuat nyaman. Bertegur sapa. Berbicara. Membangun rasa percaya dan sesekali memberi fatwa. Kalimat di atas adalah penjabaran gampang-cerna tentang langkah lanjutan setelah propaganda sederhana tepat guna. Ya, manuver ke berikutnya berupa pengorganisasian. Orang-orang yang telah bersedia menjadi kawan segera dikelola, “sahabatnya sahabatku punya sahabat” yang sudah bergabung di Facebookpage Trio Kiamat Raya mulai dimobilisasi. Semua yang nge-like difasilitasi di sebuah wadah khusus: Trio Kiamat Raya Fans Club. Agar khas, para penggemar itu diberi julukan khusus seperti Rakyat Kiamat Raya atau Sejawat Kiamat. Terserah namanya seperti apa, intinya berikan para pendukung identitas spesial sehingga mereka makin bangga menjadi bagian tak terbantahkan dari Trio Kiamat Raya. Jika perlu bikinkan juga tanda pengenal khusus semacam kartu anggota yang resmi. Club members didata secara apik dan sistematis. Tempat, tanggal lahir, lokasi domisili, semua diinspeksi secara rapi. Usahakan mengenali mereka lebih dekat. Apa untungnya membuat klub khusus bagi penggemar? Ngapain susah-susah mencetakkan KTP Sejawat Kiamat? Read More
Ingin memberi kabar kepada dunia bahwa kalian eksis dan punya band? Bikinlah website. Buat akun di jejaring sosial. Berharap agar pengunjung terus menyala semangatnya menyambangi website atau akun jejaring sosialmu? Peliharalah, rawatlah ia dengan beribu cinta supaya tetap segar bersinar. Pun, sejatinya, di saat yang hampir bersamaan ada satu lagi manuver online yang perlu dilakukan yaitu pemasaran---saya lebih menyukai istilah “propaganda”. Maksudnya, setelah keberadaan kita diketahui kaum kerabat serta sejawat terdekat, semakin ke depan tentu, jika main musik lebih dari sekadar kegiatan main-main, butuh ekspos lebih luas. Bagaimana caranya biar dikenal tak semata di kalangan keluarga & teman sepermainan? Harus dipahami: tidak gampang. Bukan soal mudah. Cuman kalau dibilang susah sekali sih juga kurang tepat. Yang jelas lumayan melelahkan. Disamping dibutuhkan kesungguhan sekaligus kehati-hatian plus paham nilai-nilai kesopanan.Read More
Yes, the biggest rock festival in South East Asia is back! Last year they brought relatively big names---and attracted almost 50,000 people---such as Mr. Big, Mew, Third Eye Blind, Secondhand Serenade, etc; in 2010 this Gudang Garam-sponsored event will present even bigger calibres: Smashing Pumpkins, Stereophonics, Arkarna, Mutemath, Datarock, Di-rect, etc. The venue is at Carnaval Beach, Ancol, same as last year. The tickets can already be purchased. The normal price for a day event is Rp 320.000, while the 3-day pass is Rp 760.000. There will also be a camp site which public can rent tents to stay in. The confirmed schedule for the international bands so far is: Smashing Pumpkins & Datarock on Friday, October 8; Stereophonics, Galaxy 7 and Arkarna on Saturday, October 9; and Mutemath + Di-rect on Sunday, October 10.
Berita pers tentang album (penuh) perdana dari Nymphea Malaikatmu ini saya telah buat lalu publikasikan pertama kali pada Juni 2008. Barangkali tulisan ini sudah terbilang agak usang di masa sekarang. Namun tetap saya tampilkan di situs pribadi saya ini demi mendokumentasikan perspektif yang pernah saya tuangkan agar menjadi lebih rapi, tak lagi berceceran tak beraturan, bisa menjadi arsip yang sahih lagi sinambung.
Heard this song played live a few nights ago at Granat concert. Heavy-hittin' hard rock anthem. Masculine. Mid-tempo madness. Down. Dirty. Riff. Rhythm. Hook. Foooook!
Ekspatriat asal Amerika, Joe Petagno, mengenal Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister ketika Joe dipekerjakan oleh band space-rock legendaris Inggris, Hawkwind. Begitu kenal, satu sama lain langsung klik. Klop. Cocok."We immediately got along like a house on fire---or better yet, a city"Kata Joe kepada majalah Revolver via e-mail. Lemmy lalu bilang bahwa bandnya, Bastard, butuh logo yang in-your-face dan frontal merefleksikan outlaw biker Amerika. Joe---setelah melalui riset yang butuh konsentrasi penuh (thanks to Jack Daniels)---akhirnya menyodorkan imej yang di kemudian hari ultra populer mulai dari wilayah Rock hingga fashion: Snaggletooth.


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