
Oppie Andaresta: Fun, Footlose, and Fancy Free

Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniAfter releasing an album with the theme of women's emancipation in 2010, Oppie Andaresta is back again with Dengan Hati Senang. Released in April 2011, this newest composition is quite easy listening and more radio-friendly compared to the last offering. As Oppie puts it, "Wider segment: commercial-oriented, more footlose-and-fancy-free." The album, with "Mau Have Fun" as the first single, consist of nine songs which talks mostly about daily life and social issues. In "Matahariku", for instance, she sings about her beloved husband (without him even realizing it), while "Jangan Bedakan (Ayah Bunda)" points at the distorted relationship between parents and their children. Despite the photos that expressing her more "modern" look, the ambassador of Peduli Perempuan (women's rights), has asserted that she's still the same Oppie inside. The urban cosmopolitan look is only a fun experiment initiated by her photographer. She's not into manufactured images, she's still into simple and natural images, just as she's always been. Currently, Oppie is busy promoting Dengan Hati Senang to the radios around big cities in Indonesia with a tour following in July.
Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniBayu Risa has made impressive moves since he was a kid. At the age of 10 he traveled around many South East Asian countries and even to the USA to sing with his vocal group. During his high school era, this Jakarta-based singer actively performing in cafes and school shows around town. He went to Bandung after he graduated and got busy with a band called Ever Nine. After quite a long break due to illness, he was asked to join Pasto which helped develop his reputation on the Indonesian music scene significantly. While he was still in Pasto they released an album produced by Glenn Fredly in 2007. Despite Pasto's ever growing fame, Bayu Risa decided to quit to pursue a solo career. In 2009 he released his first single, "Inner Beauty", which attracted a good amount of success. However things really started moving when he met Joseph Saryuf in 2010. Joseph then became his producer and helped him to release his first full-length solo album under Sinjitos Records called Rise and Start Again. The ten composition on the album are an eclectic mix of musical genres, from beautiful pop melodies to funk beats, from sexy R&B grooves to spaced out disco. The single "Percaya" performed well in many prestigious music charts across Indonesia. The single also helped Bayu to secure a position at the two major national music festivals, 'Playground' and 'Soulnation'. Recently, one of the song from Rise and Start Again was used in an ad campaign by a national mobile phone network operator.
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the 15th edition I went upclose-and-personal with Risa Saraswati.
Tonite! Wednesday, April 06, 2011; 8-10 PMR-n-R Exhibition [mini version]: OOMLEO33 Lagu Penusuk Jantung, Tiada Jenuh Ter-putar-rus-menerusIntroduction and playlist, written and handpicked by Oomleo Himself.Inilah dia, 33 (kebetulan gua baru ulangtaun yang ke-33, so, dengan senang hati gua pilih angka tersebut.. hehe..) lagu favorit yang paling sering gua putar di playlist MP3 player gua "sepanjang masa"! Permohonan maaf sebelumnya tentang "ekspektasi". Sangat jauh m'lenceng dari kalimat "Rock-n-Roll Exhibition"; pilihan lagu gua terlalu "slow". Jazz-jazz standar dan slow-slow gitu, lah.. ("Sok-sokan jazz luh, oomleo! Najis.. Tokai kucing!") ...Cuek aja lah ...Sikat! ...Fisik dan mental tetep rock, tapi kalbu berkata lain. Silakan di-enjoy!Alm. bokap memperkenalkan The Beatles ke gua---sejak gua masih berbentuk janin---hingga gua menginjak status kanak-kanak. Pesan moral terselubung dari beliau saat itu adalah: "Kamu cukup mendengarkan The Beatles. Band-band lain setelah The Beatles adalah peniru The Beatles." Terlepas dari keadaan tersebut, koleksi kaset yang ada di lemari bokap hanya berisi jazz dan jazz, serta jazz. Selepas kanak-kanak hingga ABG, gua kepincut untuk membeli album kaset Ebiet G Ade, Benyamin S., Heli Gaos, Pengantar Minum Racun, Vina Panduwinata, Doel Soembang, D'Bodors, New Kids on the Block, Color Me Badd, dan (berbagai) berantakan lainnya. Saat itu gua nggak tersentuh metal dan variannya. Langsung skip ke arena Nirvana beserta adik-adiknnya. Sementara, nggak ada kontribusi apapun dari bokap di fase ini. Berbalik arah ketika menginjak usia muda ke dewasa---pra-wafatnya bokap---beliau mulai sharing soal musik; memperkenalkan nama musisi (rata-rata pemain jazz), menyebutkan nama-nama musisi favoritnya, mengajak gua buat kenal dengan temen-temen mudanya yang sering kongkow bermain musik, dan sebagainya. Gua kulik semua kaset yang ada di lemari milik bokap; genre, dan bobot musik yang ada. Pilihan gua cuma jatuh sama koleksi jazz standar milik bokap beserta varian jazz yang "mudah" diserap. Selain itu, sisanya cukup didengarkan sekali lewat dan/atau cukup mengenal nama musisinya saja. Saat itu, gua masih menikmati The Beatles (dan turunannya), yang menurut gua adalah sejenis tesis "anti-jazz"; yang bertolak belakang dengan keadaan setelahnya: Hampir semua musisi jazz pernah meng-cover satu/beberapa lagu The Beatles, namun tidak sebaliknya. Penikmat segala jenis musik pasti akan mafhum dengan keadaan tersebut. Demikian halnya dengan gua. Sekarang gua udah mulai tau, musik yang tepat buat gua, dan bisa memilih jenis musik yang bisa gua nikmatin sendirian. Buat nemenin kerja, dan sebagainya. ♪♬♫ Radio streaming live ♬♩♫
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the tenth edition I went upclose-and-personal with Marcell Siahaan.
Edition: October 13, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: NASTA SUTARDJO90s Big Bad Boutique:: Playlist, intro, and song descriptions, handpicked and written by Nasta Herself :: I'm having a total revelation. Who would've thought you missed the 90's so bad? I mean it literally kicks off the word "Phat" and created the hair gel "just got out of bed", wearing tucked-in t-shirt on a bootcut jeans is fine? Those kind of ridiculousness reminds me of my good old days, skipping and got dropped out from college. Yes. I was, in fact a ruthless UI student who got kicked out after 6 month of absentee. Being a "good" apprentice that I am, determined to leave the country to, so to say, discovering British scene. And all I got was a revelation of a self righteousness and blinded me from seeing the fact that no man can ever defeat the female power. Growing up in the 90's is such an advantage. The decades helped form and shape my independent music taste. Growing out from the heavy metal/glam rock scene, I was a real sucker to alternative rock panorama. Then the girl band/singer scene really kicks in. It further become the gesture of my works. Did attempt to form an all girl band. Twice. Sucked on it. My salutation to all of the absolute wicked female bands/singer that rocked my cradle. The wind is blowing the other way. Channeling kinda lo-fi rock 90's groove all the way, with a twist. From the alternative rock to shoegazing until the era of the forgotten trip hop to disco, nevermind the bollocks, here is the 90's female band! Thanks Mr. Dethu for bring me back there!
Tonite! Wednesday, 2010; 8-10 PMR-n-R Exhibition [mini version]: OPPIE ANDARESTATemple of Everlasting Light:: Introduction and playlist, written and handpicked by Oppie Herself :: Perjalanan karir musik saya sebagai penyanyi dan pencipta lagu di awali dengan terdamparnya saya di sebuah tempat di jalan Potlot 14 di awal 90an. Pada saat itu teman-teman saya yang sebagian besar rocker (Pay, Bimbim, Bongkie) sedang seru-serunya mendengarkan Whitesnake, Led Zeppelin, dll. Saya yang baru lulus SMA dan memainkan jazz fussion bersama Indra (yang kemudian bergabung dgn Slank), Ronald (mantan Gigi), Marshal (Ada band) mau tak mau mendengarkan musik rock setiap hari dengan cukup intens. Apalagi kemudian saya, Bimbim, dan Pay sempat membentuk grup band yang membawakan lagu-lagu rock dari Heart, Starship, Whitesnake, dll. Lalu satu malam saat kami nongkrong sambil mendengarkan Bimbim yang tahu keinginan saya untuk menjadi penyanyi bilang, " Kalau mau jadi penyanyi, jadilah penyanyi yang menciptakan lagu sendiri. Penyanyi yang punya sikap/pesan." Kemudian Pay datang dengan membawa album pertama Tracy Chapman, penyanyi perempuan kulit hitam, yang lagunya berlirik menggigit. Tracy bukan "a girl with sexy look". Bisa dibilang Tracy Chapman adalah role model saya dalam bermusik. Saya mendengarkan berbagai jenis musik. Tapi saya selalu tertarik untuk mendengarkan dan belajar dari musisi perempuan lainnya yang bisa memainkan instrumen, menciptakan lagu, dan punya sikap/pesan kuat di karya mereka. Berikut adalah lagu/musik yang yang juga memberi inspirasi saya bermusik, musik yang membuat saya joget di atas pool table atau nyebur ke swimming pool, musik yang membantu saya tetap waras, musik yang saya putar di awal hari saya, yang saya putar di ujung hari saya, yang saya dengar saat saya PMS, musik/lagu yang biasa saya dan teman-teman nyanyikan sampai suara saya habis... ♪♬♫ Radio streaming live
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the fifth edition I went upclose-and-personal with Maylaffayza.
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the third edition I went upclose-and-personal with Sandhy Sondoro.
Jazz kerap divonis oleh sebagian kalangan sebagai musik sulit, susah dicerna, kurang membumi, dan beragam stigma sejenis. Di Indonesia sendiri perkembangan Jazz di masa-masa awal menemui kendala gigantik. Selain masyarakat umumnya belum siap dengan “kerumitan” musikal khas Jazz serta masih lebih memilih menyimak yang gampang dikonsumsi kuping, isu sumber daya manusia juga menjadi masalah signifikan: Nusantara kekurangan musisi handal lagi mampu meramu musik bikinan kaum kulit hitam ini. Namun, berkat usaha pantang menyerah dari segelintir penggiat Jazz lokal, eksistensi musik ini menunjukkan performa cukup baik, baik kualitas maupun kuantitas---pelan tapi pasti, lambat namun selamat---grafiknya terus menaik.
She's a teacher, a model and a (great) singer. She's Australian who's been living in Jakarta for quite a while now---and loves it so much. Let's hope she will stay longer---I bet some of the boys would prefer forever---in Indonesia.
Edition: December 02, 2009Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: STUART WILFORDGentlemen Take Polaroids:: Playlist and notes, handpicked and written by Stuart Himself :: ...There have been a lot of influential songs over the past decades and it’s hard to narrow it down to this many. Half of the artists listed here could be an entire show in themselves, but here they are, my Block Rockin' Beats...


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