
Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: DJUNDI PRAKASHA

Edition: October 19, 2011Rock-n-Roll-Exhibition: DJUNDI PRAKASHAU2 and I: My U224:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and photos, handpicked and written by Djundi Himself :: It was the Live Aid concert 1985 which started my love for this band. It wasn't the first time that I had heard about U2, but it was this show that made me fall in love with this group from Ireland. Craziness, that is how some people may describe my love of this band, but this love and craziness which I have is only the start of it. Because of my love of this band I have travelled almost around the world just to see their shows. Up to now I have seen U2 16 times since my first show in Stuttgart in 1993 to my last time in Perth 2010. The last six shows were in my playground: the front row of the concert. Chicago in 2005, the Vertigo tour was like a blessing to me, a true gift. I am not saying that I am ungrateful for all the other times I have seen them but at this show I got the chance to get my picture taken with Bono. From what I remember, I shouted to him, "Bono, please can I have my picture taken with you. I am your fan from Indonesia and have come to Chicago just to celebrate your birthday." I hadn't noticed but Bono was looking at me and said "Really? Sure. Here." Damn, I was speechless after that moment. It was a dream come true after all the years and miles of following them. I am also on the DVD deluxe version of this concert---even if only for a second and you have to press pause to find me but, hey, I was there in U2 DVD history! Still the Vertigo tour 2006 and I was in Melbourne. I got the chance to shake hands with all of the band and got all their signatures on my U218 deluxe album alsoAI got the chance to have a photo with the founding father of U2, Larry Mullen Jr. In Perth, December 2010, I think I was the only one who got a setlist from both nights and also got a photograph with the U2 stage manager Rocko Reddy. If I start talking about my U2 collection it will be a very long story. Instead just come to my U2 bar in Bandung and let me tell you and show you some of my U2 collection. My love of U2 doesn't just stop at collecting and going to shows but also in seeing locations connected to them. I have been to Dublin twice and stayed a night in the Clarence hotel (own by Bono and the Edge). I took photos outside of Bono's and Larry's houses. I would like to see more than just the sites in Dublin though, places such as Eze, The Million Dollar Hotel and Sun Studio etc...... Here we are - this is my U2 play list, to all of you who love U2, or doesn't. Radio streaming live:
Pepeng Naif. Adi Cumi. Bonny Sidharta. Iman Fattah. Adrian Adioetomo. Mereka bersilaturahmi lalu bersinergi, mendirikan grup ultra berbahaya: Raksasa. Di kesempatan ini mereka berbaik hati membagikan sebuah karyanya secara bebas bea: "Insomnia".
Edition: September 21, 2011Rock-n-Roll-Exhibition: WOK THE ROCKPayudara, Wiski dan Ganja:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and photos, handpicked and written by Wok The Rock Himself :: Playlist yang saya susun dalam pameran ini mengacu pada 3 seri mixtape yang pernah saya kerjakan 2 tahun yang lalu, yaitu seri All The Young Cult. Seri tersebut bisa anda unduh di Tema dalam seri ini merupakan lagu-lagu yang saya gemari saat menenggak alkohol dan menghisap ganja. Lagu-lagu yang menurut saya memiliki nuansa erotis, sensual, ritmis, hipnotik, liar bahkan syahdu. Ada yang bising dan kasar, ada pula yang mendayu dan mengiris perasaan. Bagi orang lain nuansa dan sensasinya akan berbeda, baik dalam pengaruh alkohol dan mariyuana atau "sadar" (berat menyebut keadaan saat tidak mabuk/giting sebagai kondisi sadar). Bagi pendengar yang doyan miras dan mariyuana, sangat disarankan anda menenggak dan menghisapnya sambil mendengarkan pameran seni suara ini. ♫ Radio streaming live 8-10 PM (Bali time)
Edition: September 14, 2011Rock-n-Roll-Exhibition: RIO FARABI My Evergreen:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and photos, handpicked and written by Rio Himself :: Yak, inilah 32 lagu "Evergreen" versi saya. Sebenernya saya juga masih bingung apa arti pasti dari lagu Evergreen. Sebenernya faktor apa yang membuat lagu layak disebut lagu Evergreen? Kalau dilihat dari kata-katanya, Evergreen berarti selalu hijau. Mungkin maksudnya adalah lagu-lagu yang ga bakal pudar, selalu hijau di hati atau ringkasnya adalah lagu yang abadi. And most of them came from pop/ballad genre, genre yang memang mudah diterima oleh kebanyakan orang. Karena saking populernya, maka lagu ini "wajib" masuk kedalam album kompilasi lagu-lagu Evergreen versi record label tertentu. Evergreen mungkin juga berarti lagu ini bakal tetep laku di tahun-tahun mendatang, apalagi kalo penyanyi aslinya udah meninggal, maka penyanyi baru yang menyanyikan lagu itu hampir dipastikan akan melejit juga. Sepertinya kata Evergreen ini mulai ada di tahun 70an akhir. Begitulah kira-kira analisa dangkal saya soal Evergreen ini. Tapi faktor-faktor tersebut ga berlaku buat playlist Evergreen saya. Lagu-lagu Evergreen versi saya ini lebih personal, punya memori spesial karena berkaitan erat dengan kejadian-kejadian "penting" dalam hidup saya, soundtrack dari berbagai fragmen hidup saya, lagu-lagu yang menemani saya tumbuh besar, ataupun lagu yang memiliki nilai estetis sedikit lebih banyak dibanding lagu-lagu lainnya di kuping saya. Dan pasti lagu-lagu ini bakal tetep hijau dihati, tetep enak didengerin kapan pun. Tetep abadi walaupun ratusan single terbaru dari puluhan bahkan ratusan band muncul. Terima kasih buat Brocuk Rudolf Dethu yang mengundang saya untuk berpameran di The Block Rockin' Beats ini. Sebuah kehormatan untuk bisa "berbagi" di blog yang super keren ini. Okeh, inilah playlist saya. Selamat menikmati dan bersulang! ♫ Radio streaming live 8-10 PM (Bali time)
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the 23rd edition I went upclose-and-personal with Che Cupumanik.
Edition: September 07, 2011Rock-n-Roll-Exhibition: KARTIKA JAHJAPMS - Pre Meanstrual Soundtracks:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and photos, handpicked and written by Tika Herself :: It's that time of the month and my sneaky hormones have came out to party. Armed with a rusty shopping cart, they tie me down inside it and push it down a hill. Not knowing what I'm gonna hit, I just embrace all the amplified feelings that came and went on my ride down. From "Fuck you assholes!" to "Fuck me, baby." From "Leave me alone," to "I'm so lonely." From "I'm a bad ass bitch," to "I'm a fat ass bitch." From "Please make this stop" to the comforting whisper saying "this too shall pass". So just like my mood during PMS, this soundtrack swings from genre to genre, theme to theme, and era to era. You can't judge a woman by her PMS behavior, just as you can't to judge my taste in music from this playlist. Stop thinking, curl up in your bed and enjoy the songs ♫ Radio streaming live 8-10 PM (Bali time)
Domestic chaos and prolonged internal problems in Indonesia has inspired The Brandals to write and release DGNR8 (read: degenerate). The latest album after a drought of for four years is a tribute to the great nation of Indonesia, and how the band feels that the country has lost its way of life. The rather cynical viewpoint from the group that now prefers to call themselves "BRNDLS" is further strengthened by the design of the album cover, which is in the shape of the form of drug packaging. According to the band, DGNR8 is a kind of drug offered to the sick people in the dilapidated condition of the nation. Also with the progressive statements, the music direction has changed somewhat as well. The explosive approach of earlier efforts is now more controlled as the quartet grow older and more mature, but the foundation is still rock-n-roll. In one song, "Abrasi", Eka Annash & co. even invited the hip hop living legend, Morgue Vanguard aka Ucok Homicide to rap. Other than audio disc, this album has an interesting bonus, too, DGNR8: The DVD, which is a documentary movie about the making of the album, including the "behind the screen" story about the music and the dynamics of these angry young men.
Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniAfter playing classical piano since he was as young as 12 years old, Luky Annash ended up going down the 90's music path rather than sticking to the classical tunes. Nirvana and Tori Amos give him more freedom for interpretation than Mozart and baroque composition where he felt limited. In 2005, the younger brother of Eka and Rully Annash (The Brandals), made up his mind, and decide to dive in completely in contemporary music and starting to join bands like The Brandals, godmustbecrazy, and Tika and the Dissidents. Finally in April 2011 he released his debut album called 180º under Demajors in which he talks a lot about life's adventure how things can be be changed 180º if you are willing to accept both the dark and the bright side. The influence of his favorite artists like Tori Amos, Harry Nilsson, Jerry Lee Lewis, Björk, Apparat, Phillip Glass, Danny Elfman---even Slayer and Motörhead---can be heard on the album.
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the 15th edition I went upclose-and-personal with Risa Saraswati.
Tonite! April 27, 2011Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: ARDY CHAMBERS33 Sounds Outta 33 Degree Celcius City:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and (most) photos, written and handpicked by Ardy Himself ::...Pertama akrab dan mencintai lagu-lagu tertentu berawal sejak SMP, sekitar tahun 1994. Tidak terlalu tua dan tidak terlalu muda mengenal kalangan pemusik tanah air dan dunia. Berada dan tinggal di Makassar dengan cuaca panas dengan suhu rata-rata 33 derajat celcius, mungkin lebih panas dari kota-kota lainnya di Indonesia, menjadikan rutinitas orang-orang begitu monoton, cenderung jadi followers dan konsumtif. Tidak banyak informasi lebih bisa didapatkan. Tidak banyak ketemu orang bisa berbagi informasi dan wawasan, kecuali saya tetap giat belajar di sekolah dan mencoba mencari koneksi/korespondensi keluar Makassar. Akhirnya beruntung dikaruniai passion independen dan mencoba mempopulerkan musik dan fashionnya yang saat itu masih asing di kalangan Makassar... Karena pengaruh informasi lokal, awalnya saya lebih banyak dengar dan suka artis/band rock lokal seperti God Bless, Edane, Roxx, Boomerang, Slank, Power Metal, Pas, Puppen, Koil. Bahkan hampir semua deretan lagu dan album mereka tidak terlewatkan, walaupun sebagian besar saya dapatkan bukan di saat mereka rilis. Intinya saya mengakui, dari awal banyak menyukai artis/band lokal hingga saat ini apalagi dengan kemunculan Burgerkill, Seringai, The Upstairs, Efek Rumah Kaca, Komunal, Kelelawar Malam, dan deretan band lokal berkualitas lainnya. Karena pengaruh internet yang mulai merambah pada akhir tahun 1997 dan keberhasilan saya terhadap korespondensi luar, menjadikan saya lebih banyak lagi mengenal katalog artis/band luar. Dan lagi-lagi diketemukan deretan artis/band rock khususnya heavy metal hingga hardcore punk. Bahkan ke subgenre rock yang lain nan modern. Dan passion tersebut menjadikan saya merasa sebagai masyarakat Indonesia yang kebetulan tinggal di Timur bahkan merasa sebagai masyarakat dunia yang kebetulan tinggal di Indonesia. Berikut playlist (sesuai tahun rilis) saya buat lebih variatif, sengaja saya pilih khusus lagu luar yang dari awal membuat sensasi, penasaran, dan kesenangan buat saya dan mengarahkan saya ke jalur seperti saat ini dan bahkan bisa mempertemukan saya sebagian diantara mereka. Mari nikmati! Oh, terima kasih kepada saudara R. Dethu, pendiri dan kurator Rock-n-Roll Exhibition, yang turut memilih saya untuk menampilkan playlist, dimana nanti akan disebarluaskan ke orang-orang yang dianggap kredibel dan kompeten soal musik. Proud! Radio streaming live
Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniThe last time people heard news about Themilo was in 2003 when they released their debut full-length album, Let Me Begin. Now, 2011, this Bandung quintet is back presenting their newest composition: Photograph. The album consist of eight songs; one in Indonesian, six in English, and an instrumental. Two songs have been chosen as singles, "Do Not Worry for Being Alone," and "Daun dan Ranting Menuju Surga". Two guest stars participate in vocal department, namely: Maradilla Syachridar ("For All the Dreams that Wings Could Fly") and Grace Sahertian ("Apart"). Photograph has an interesting concept, where Themilo imagines they are holding a photo camera and using the viewfinder to capture their surroundings, with the lyrics being the result of the shooting. Themilo friends share stories about life, love, separation and introspection. Themilo was founded in 1996 by Ajie Gergaji as his side project. The first time they attracted public attention was when they released a song called "Sianida" in May 2001.
Di edisi BlokRokinBeats kali ini saya bawakan tema emansipasi perempuan di blantika berkesenian--utamanya musik rock---serta saya bagi menjadi dua: era para pionir (Queens of Noise) dan masa generasi penerus (Riot Grrrl). Agar punya gambaran lebih lengkap, saya pilihkan tembang dari artis-artis yang baik secara langsung memang terlibat di skena Riot Grrrl macam Bratmobile, Bikini Kill, Team Dresch, dan Heavens to Betsy; juga kumpulan seniman perempuan yang masif menginspirasi gerakan persamaan derajat di Rock-n-Roll semisal Suzi Quatro, Patti Smith, Chrissie Hynde (Pretenders), Poly Styrene (X-Ray Spex), The Slits, Exene Cervenka (X), Wendy O Williams, Joan Jett, pula Lita Ford; serta sosok-sosok wanita yang walau tak terkait langsung dengan fenomena Riot Grrrl namun tersimak punya peran menonjol, kental kesan pemberontak, in-your-face, bingar lagi bising, di blantika musik seperti Peaches, Brody Dalle (The Distillers), Lesbians On Ecstasy, Kittie, Le Tigre, Shonen Knife, plus lainnya.A movement formed by a handful of girls who felt empowered, who were angry, hilarious, and extreme through and for each other. Built on the floors of strangers' living rooms, tops of Xerox machines, snail mail, word of mouth and mixtapes, riot grrrl reinvented punk - Beth Ditto
Versi Bahasa Indonesia sila klik di siniIndonesia's rockabilly ambassador, The Hydrant, are here again and in full swing. After more than a year since releasing Bali Bandidos, the pompadour contingent have come back dandy and fully pomaded via their newest album, Dirty Thirty. The Bali quartet with the latest formation Marshello (singer, harmonica), Wis (guitar), Adi (contra bass) and Christopher (stand up drum), have a specific reason naming the album Dirty Thirty. The motor of the band, Wis and Shello, just turned the age of 30 years old and both agreed to step into the phase of being "dirty" to rock 'n' roll attitude which is getting married and having kids. This is the third full-length album for them since forming on August 14, 2004; and consist of 9 songs which are devoted to Americana and rockabilly-o-rama. The lyrics still talk about social issues ("Race to Nowhere" and "Boogie Cadillac") and the love, dynamic life of the personnel ("Wild Wild Boy", "My Baby", "Don't Cry"). They also have one guest guitarist, Krisna, participating in the swing-infected song, "Shake, Rhythm & Jive". Meanwhile Wis experiments a bit with Yngwie Malmsteen-cum-rockabilly in "Kuta Beach Terror" plus an instrumental composition, "The Outlaw Song". An album for all fashion-conscious rockers not to miss.
Matt Berninger maybe not the best (dexterous?) dancer ever. But he's got charismatic baritone + elegant beard---not to mention magnificent mid-tempo pop. Oh, and nice trench coat, of course.
The Block Rockin' Beats Edition: March 23, 201138 (Infamous) Punk Rock and New Wave Anthems You Must Hear Before You DieIn case you kiddos don't know or easily amazed by Fat Mike cheap talks and still think the owner of Atticus clothing label---what's his name again---is the 3-chords prophet, well, you must listen carefully to this playlist. These songs are in the category of "not widely popular but uber influential" among Punk Rock and New Wave scene. These are kickass anthems you must hear before you die. Oh, first thing first: give away your Macbeth shoes to your lovely punk wannabe little brother, and you, put back on your Doc Martens. Show some respect to Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood. Download the whole playlist here
Tonite! Wednesday, April 06, 2011; 8-10 PMR-n-R Exhibition [mini version]: OOMLEO33 Lagu Penusuk Jantung, Tiada Jenuh Ter-putar-rus-menerusIntroduction and playlist, written and handpicked by Oomleo Himself.Inilah dia, 33 (kebetulan gua baru ulangtaun yang ke-33, so, dengan senang hati gua pilih angka tersebut.. hehe..) lagu favorit yang paling sering gua putar di playlist MP3 player gua "sepanjang masa"! Permohonan maaf sebelumnya tentang "ekspektasi". Sangat jauh m'lenceng dari kalimat "Rock-n-Roll Exhibition"; pilihan lagu gua terlalu "slow". Jazz-jazz standar dan slow-slow gitu, lah.. ("Sok-sokan jazz luh, oomleo! Najis.. Tokai kucing!") ...Cuek aja lah ...Sikat! ...Fisik dan mental tetep rock, tapi kalbu berkata lain. Silakan di-enjoy!Alm. bokap memperkenalkan The Beatles ke gua---sejak gua masih berbentuk janin---hingga gua menginjak status kanak-kanak. Pesan moral terselubung dari beliau saat itu adalah: "Kamu cukup mendengarkan The Beatles. Band-band lain setelah The Beatles adalah peniru The Beatles." Terlepas dari keadaan tersebut, koleksi kaset yang ada di lemari bokap hanya berisi jazz dan jazz, serta jazz. Selepas kanak-kanak hingga ABG, gua kepincut untuk membeli album kaset Ebiet G Ade, Benyamin S., Heli Gaos, Pengantar Minum Racun, Vina Panduwinata, Doel Soembang, D'Bodors, New Kids on the Block, Color Me Badd, dan (berbagai) berantakan lainnya. Saat itu gua nggak tersentuh metal dan variannya. Langsung skip ke arena Nirvana beserta adik-adiknnya. Sementara, nggak ada kontribusi apapun dari bokap di fase ini. Berbalik arah ketika menginjak usia muda ke dewasa---pra-wafatnya bokap---beliau mulai sharing soal musik; memperkenalkan nama musisi (rata-rata pemain jazz), menyebutkan nama-nama musisi favoritnya, mengajak gua buat kenal dengan temen-temen mudanya yang sering kongkow bermain musik, dan sebagainya. Gua kulik semua kaset yang ada di lemari milik bokap; genre, dan bobot musik yang ada. Pilihan gua cuma jatuh sama koleksi jazz standar milik bokap beserta varian jazz yang "mudah" diserap. Selain itu, sisanya cukup didengarkan sekali lewat dan/atau cukup mengenal nama musisinya saja. Saat itu, gua masih menikmati The Beatles (dan turunannya), yang menurut gua adalah sejenis tesis "anti-jazz"; yang bertolak belakang dengan keadaan setelahnya: Hampir semua musisi jazz pernah meng-cover satu/beberapa lagu The Beatles, namun tidak sebaliknya. Penikmat segala jenis musik pasti akan mafhum dengan keadaan tersebut. Demikian halnya dengan gua. Sekarang gua udah mulai tau, musik yang tepat buat gua, dan bisa memilih jenis musik yang bisa gua nikmatin sendirian. Buat nemenin kerja, dan sebagainya. ♪♬♫ Radio streaming live ♬♩♫
Tonite! March 30, 2011Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: HENRY FOUNDATION30 Bands That Told Me to Buy Guitar:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and (most) photos, written and handpicked by Henry Himself :: Sejak 20 tahun yang lalu saya tidak pernah bercita-cita menjadi pemain gitar handal, hingga kini pun tidak. Hanya berpura-pura seolah sedang memainkan gitar di kamar dengan penggaris panjang sambil mendengarkan beberapa koleksi musik yang dikutuk oleh Ibu saya. Hasilnya saya hanya cuma bisa menyanyi---itu pun seadanya. Gitar pertama saya adalah gitar akustik merk Yahaha (Yamaha palsu), beli bekas dari teman saya Iyus pada tahun 91. Lebih dari cukup untuk mempelajari chord dasar dengan bersusah payah. Setelah saya kuliah dan tidak lagi tinggal bersama orang tua, Ibu saya diam-diam membuang gitar tersebut. Sangat mengecewakan memang, walau pada waktu itu passion saya terhadap gitar telah hilang. Setelah menikah dan beberapa tahun berkonsentrasi dengan musik-musik sintetik, tiba-tiba passion terhadap gitar muncul kembali dan saya berfikir bahwa ini adalah saat yang tepat untuk membeli gitar. Fender Jaguar menjadi pilihan gitar kedua saya pada akhirnya. Walau tidak handal bergitar, paling tidak kali ini saya bisa berpura-pura memainkan gitar di kamar bukan lagi dengan penggaris panjang dan tanpa sepengetahuan Ibu saya. Playlist yang saya buat berikut ini adalah beberapa band yang saya dengarkan dan sebagian lagi saya idolakan hingga men-trigger niat saya untuk membeli gitar. Bukan karena teknik shredding atau sound gitarnya yang extravaganza, lebih kepada sesuatu yang memasuki alam bawah sadar saya, proses kenikmatannya, lagi dan lagi---kalau kata Necrodeath---Bah! Radio streaming live


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